Search results

  1. Shaniqua

    Robin gives me and Josephine and Michael a surprise.

    In time robin that you killed me remember in the apts? before when i killed all of ur 5 mates? :)
  2. Shaniqua

    Robin gives me and Josephine and Michael a surprise.

    I like his surprise +Support I think we should pray for Micheal rest in peaces.
  3. Shaniqua

    Ban Request

    Sadly my documents with demos only had three demos and that was from 2014... So i don't know how we're gonna do now maybe admin is just gonna take care of this situation.
  4. Shaniqua

    Ban Request

    Just to say you raided two times it hadn't even got 1 hour... so you broke that rule you raided two times and it hadn't even got one hour yet... and you 1.1 me then i didn't even hear the bobby pins cause they were very quiet i was just putting some things in my storage when i was exiting my...
  5. Shaniqua


    Your Steam/In-game Name: SuperNova, Micheal Lark His/Her Steam/In-game Name: [PH] KrazyHD His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:0:72213450 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Well this player should be punished for killing unarmed people in a raid as you see in the demo he just rushed in with a shotgun...
  6. Shaniqua

    Ban request on peter steel

    Your Steam/In-game Name: SuperNova, Micheal Lark His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Peter Steel, Hassam (something) His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55168896 Why Should This Player Be Punished: Well as you see in the demo i was just going back to the pd then this guy starting punching and being aggresive...
  7. Shaniqua

    I need help really.

    Well ok i've a big problems that's demo's i don't know a shit about them and i've got some help by Alabin in the past but it have never worked, so can someone do like a guide how to do demos cause i really need to know, i've so many br's that i've never done cause i don't know how to upload demo's..
  8. Shaniqua

    Ban request / Refund request

    I think these players should be defenently banned they had no reason to raid us. And they killed him when he was unarmed no threat at all to the police officers. I think Tomiko And Peter Steel should be facing a ban due to their actions.
  9. Shaniqua

    Bye for the next month or two!

    Goodluck man! :troll:
  10. Shaniqua

    Cacuzzza Crime Family Applications

    [IC] Name: Micheal Lark [IC] Can you craft guns(your skill): Yes i can lvl 12 but i'm improving. [IC] Driving skills: I think that's my best skill after shooting:) [IC] What can you do for us?: Right now i'm just trying to find a good organization for me. And i found this one i think this would...
  11. Shaniqua

    Birthday Party

    14th? Daymon we've the same birthday date :D
  12. Shaniqua

    I'm back.

    Who're you really you've just joined the community or?, i've never seen you.
  13. Shaniqua

    Hello perpheads

    Hi, i'm Sophie Sugavi/Micheal Lark In-Game some of you might know me some of you might not well i didn't really make this thread to welcome me well kinda. I left perpheads for some months ago and i said that i'm not gonna leave forever so i think this is the day, the day i will return to the...
  14. Shaniqua

    Mr Nice's/ Victor Zaiger's Resignation post/ goodbye

    Ah, it's sad to see you go from the community i hope we can still stay in contact Vic :)
  15. Shaniqua

    Mr. Nice's inactivity notice <3

    Ah all has their days as i got, but you're not leaving as much as i did. I fully understand how you feel i got bored by this server and the game cause my friends got banned and i didn't find the server fun anymore i hope you go back in 1 week and find out that you enjoy the server again! (If i...
  16. Shaniqua

    Favourite games?

    Counter Strike Global Offensive, Stranded Deep, Chivalry Medival Warfare, Rust, DayZ (And Much More)
  17. Shaniqua


    Ah Goodbye Lockwood! ;C
  18. Shaniqua

    Bye, for real now!

    Well if you've just seen my recently post that i was leaving i actually wasn't and i was starting playing again, but now i'm taking a real goodbye Perpheads i will be gone from the server a long time. I don't have the interest in Garry's Mod & Perpheads i just wanna thank some people for making...
  19. Shaniqua


  20. Shaniqua

    Congratulations to the Enforcer, hope you can get moderator ofc you will, and deal with admin...

    Congratulations to the Enforcer, hope you can get moderator ofc you will, and deal with admin sits! :)
  21. Shaniqua

    /Act Guide & Showcase - Part 1

    Rip In Tomiko?
  22. Shaniqua

    Server Events: 18/01/15 - Sunday 4:00PM GMT+0

    Too fucking bad it was full all the time so i can't join! #Rip (facepalm)
  23. Shaniqua

    CS:GO Tournament!

    I will seriously rek you all...
  24. Shaniqua

    Michael Boyle - The Song.

    Micheal Boyle approved?
  25. Shaniqua

    Michael Boyle - The Song.

    HAHAHAHHAHHAH, Still laughing omg.
  26. Shaniqua

    Goodbye Perpheads for a while :P

    I've Decided to leave Perpheads for a while. I don't have the interest in Garry's mod any longer but i might just join sometimes, Thanks for all the awesome people on the server, that've been always nice and funny! Thanks to: Momo Ultimate DevilSon Ethan Daymon Mr Nice Andreas Wise BelgLmfao...
  27. Shaniqua

    When did you first join PERP-heads?

    In Game name: Micheal Lark Date first joined: i don't know really the date it was 2013 that's all i know Time played on the server: 1 Month
  28. Shaniqua

    Organisation Alliance System

    This seems good so i will go ahead and +Support this goodluck.
  29. Shaniqua

    New Years Event!

    Sky walker there was a event about in 20 min ago it was awesome :P
  30. Shaniqua

    New Years Event!

    Saw that long ago too it was nice :) too bad i wasn't there...