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  1. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] michael wave

    michael wave
  2. My Glorious King

    Busy with work and shit my friend

    Busy with work and shit my friend
  3. My Glorious King

    My Resignation

    we can finally minge together
  4. My Glorious King


    Hello, We from africa do not accept this kind of behaviour or claims being made. You have no rights on that land and we ask u to leave immediatly, if not cooperating, i will be sending my allies towards you. ally list: Plpd Nigeria @Racxes Africa Africa Africa Paralake
  5. My Glorious King


  6. My Glorious King

    Ive been busy trying to find u man, after our village got raided

    Ive been busy trying to find u man, after our village got raided
  7. My Glorious King

    My long lost brother? Look on my profile you are in my family picture

    My long lost brother? Look on my profile you are in my family picture
  8. My Glorious King


  9. My Glorious King


  10. My Glorious King


  11. My Glorious King


    I support palestine in this case.
  12. My Glorious King


    +Support my granddads father told me stories about a shop called The Binfields, He bought all the furniture there and we still have them high quality. Its so nice to see his grandkid working for the business again
  13. My Glorious King

    [ATTACH] don't apologize, I feel honored <3

    don't apologize, I feel honored <3
  14. My Glorious King

    Map Suggestion beach ''trailer''

    maybe get more sand place over there and then put 3 beach huts over there
  15. My Glorious King

    She is a german fan bro

    She is a german fan bro
  16. My Glorious King


  17. My Glorious King

    Car Show with a £5 amazon voucher Prize

    i will join with my alt account just to be present there!!
  18. My Glorious King

    wa asalamu alaykum brother, we muslims welcome you here!

    wa asalamu alaykum brother, we muslims welcome you here!
  19. My Glorious King


  20. My Glorious King

    Server Suggestion Cigar's

    cuban cigar
  21. My Glorious King

    Car Show with a £5 amazon voucher Prize

    Your so generous to donate your yearly salary to the community
  22. My Glorious King


  23. My Glorious King


  24. My Glorious King

    Efan Resignation

  25. My Glorious King

    Efan Resignation

    Thanks man, Goodluck in life
  26. My Glorious King

    DJ Conyo - Auris Disstrack

    Im signing
  27. My Glorious King

    A Cheffz- Un Funny {disstrack}

    u didnt even put my in my place. I know im higher in the throne than you dont be jealous
  28. My Glorious King

    A Cheffz- Un Funny {disstrack}

    @Auris This disstrack is about me
  29. My Glorious King

    A Cheffz- Un Funny {disstrack}

    then its not a disstrack
  30. My Glorious King

    A Cheffz- Un Funny {disstrack}

    Your lines and flow are both childish :D rap like a real man before u talk shit. Also u know your bad, when Double J has to ask us to remain friendly lmao