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  1. Bye! <3

    Aw! I remember being swat with you and my brother, you were do funny and cool. :( Anyways have fun in school and GL :D
  2. Inactivity Notice.

    Do you have a girlfriend?? Oshit, have a good Christmas with her and yer family.
  3. Boring.

  4. The British Empire

    Great job. Sadly Danish nabs like me can't join. Btw it's hard to read the top on an iPod, honestly Editinf as on iPod. Okay gg. I suddenly feel like its gonna go nowhere without Scandinavians XD
  5. New Game

    Save it up for life. Do you know how much a shovel, spade, bucket, tools for leaves, or fuel/electricity costs monthly? I'd surely save your bucks up for later use.
  6. Floods/Storms! (New Fire Fighter SWEP Possibly)

    Nice, I really like the suggestion. However... It would be very hard to add for sure, and make some users very laggy even on low details like me. But I'll +Support it (Joke, all mods and former mods are prolly gonna +support it cause they have a raptor :D allowing to plow through it all.)
  7. Tobacco.

    Umm I guess that, i tried out 'Skrå' which is some sort of tobacco in Denmark, that you hold in your mouth pretty much the same as the ending of your video. Gonna try it soon I hope
  8. This is why I hate @Jarredinator

    Yen don't make people addicted of dat shit bro. :P
  9. police dont cross tape

    Sounds like a good idea. However it could easily be abused to make a Ropelake city instead of Paralake city. @Ultimate - I don't see your point in only detective and lieutenant having access to it, as regular officers has it irl, and we play serious RP which is a simulation if real life.. Right...
  10. Forum Design Suggestion

    -Support. I do not find this too nessceary personally, as I am part of another community (GTA SA) and it has some designed images of characters, and I truly hate that. I am part of three communities, and Perpheads obviously has the best background; Simple and calm instead of detailed and...
  11. Inactivity- Ossie walter/Ozain

    Best of luck with developing your very own GMOD server! I wish I could do something equal to that, however I'm too bad in it lol. Have fun, take care.
  12. Momo ban/warning request

    In the short 5 seconds or like that he was parked, I did not see any RP at all by him, however if you reported him for running you over, I guess most people can see it was an accident as he was speeding right before he noticed you running onto the road. Just my point of view however it could be...
  13. training area for swat/officers

    I guess it would be a great thing to add; S.W.A.T team always practices in buildings and obstacles, and they train their tactics and shooting skills there. However officers signing up for a S.W.A.T officer In-game may not have got that much training, if he used to be a cab-driver for 56 years...
  14. speed radar in cop cars

    Huge +Support from me! In denmark which is my country, there are some civil/unmarked police officers in their unmarked cars that has some sort of Speed Radar.. They just click on a button and then they get the suspect's average speed! Very useful and could bring more rp indeed! :)
  15. Inactivity

    I've got tired a bit too, however have fun mate. Was nice to play with you, and glad you took your time to inform us! :)
  16. Daragh's Introduction

    Welcome to the community, Daragh! Enjoy your stay man
  17. Byebye people.

    Okay, bye bye! Hope you had a great time behind getting warns and bans. Gl :)
  18. Ole's Introduction

    Welcome, welcome, VELKOMMEN Ole! It's a pleasure to byde en dansker welcome, ya kno'. Anyways your interests sounds pretty cool, and gametime on various RP servers isn't that bad, so I expect to see you around some time :). Enjoy your stay!
  19. Inactivity notice

    Dayum have fun mate :) I personally found another thing for entertainment :P
  20. Equalizer's Introduction!

    Nice to meet you Equ! Enjoy your stay. :)
  21. Inactivity Blackdown

    Same here. Stopped playing until 20th december for the main reason of my game crashing too often due to NVIDIA or something. Might have a look at my pc soon.. But have fun @Blackdown !
  22. Might be inactive for today

    RIP in pepperonies. :(
  23. Hello Im AVAST!

    Hello Avast! Now I will introduce myself to you, Avast or you can look up my introduction page, up to you :) In game: Tut Jankins Age irl: 16, real man voice lol Country: Denmark. - Have a nice stay!
  24. Tut's Inactivity notice

    Heyo guys, I've made the decision to move back to some other games and other GMOD servers however, I will still be around in-game, as well as plenty of time on the forums! Reason; It's about time to make dat christmas presents to my family, and I'm mostly tired when I'm home from my school...
  25. maJor's introduction.

    Nice to meet you! Welcome :)
  26. Clearing out my Puush... and I found these

    Lol nice, btw thought you were moderator and not administrator, 0.0
  27. Blicky Inactivity Notice

    Awww blicky D: Anyway have fun mate, take care!
  28. Killed when saying '' Fuck Russia ''.

    LIke Ayjay says; Sugavi shouldn't have assaulted or killed somebody for insulting a country (Fck is a low level insult?) Anyways you were drunk too, hmm well I'm gonna give a clear +Support towards the ban request. Don't go on any game that you risk getting banned while you are drunk! Also I'm...
  29. Aiden | Breaking the 3.21

    I see your point, got surprised if it was a ban request for such a thing, luckily I did pay attention. I would probably like to give a +Support. I'm assuming I got a warning for something similar once. Running the highway is risky and ban able, however I have never seen this guy, so I think...
  30. A new face

    Glad to meet you! ;)