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  1. JJannui

    thank you!!!!

    thank you!!!!
  2. JJannui

    Anyone able to give cash in GTA Online?

    Let's be honest though... it's harder to find a legit player than someone who's teased a little bit extra money out. jobhopper is a good money boost but not sure if it works with the new update or not.
  3. JJannui

    Missing textures

    Winner winner
  4. JJannui

    Missing textures

    Ready for the usual schpiel? Make sure all the workshop addons are subscribed to and make sure you have hl2 ep1 and ep2 content? Not sure if they're used but I have them and I don't have missing textures soo....
  5. JJannui

    Help me get rid of this atrocious issue on YouTube

    no idea what this will do but try and activate cinema mode then deactivate it? idk but it merges the two together
  6. JJannui

    Paralake V4 Map

    Since we lost mini our forum mod - all hell has broke loose
  7. JJannui

    Paralake V4 Map

    We all did it hahaha
  8. JJannui

    Paralake V4 Map

    *** i wan't to tryhard so ppl like my enforcer app ;)
  9. JJannui

    Cody's despacito 2 perpheads "shootage"

    i like ppl who suck
  10. JJannui

    Cody's despacito 2 perpheads "shootage"

    lol stretching out the players just to kill ppl
  11. JJannui

    Cody's despacito 2 perpheads "shootage"

    why is it a square
  12. JJannui

    120, 60, 80, 90, ??

    Literally you are 3 weeks late
  13. JJannui

    Im having a baby!

    Are you even sure she's preggers? It was last night...
  14. JJannui

    Im having a baby!

    Like that's actually a contraceptive method...
  15. JJannui

    Server Events: 20/07/2018

    events on a thursday? but the date is a friday
  16. JJannui

    Update Log - 27/05/2018

    Hardest thing would be loading and buffering times etc
  17. JJannui


    I use a logitech k120 bc what's the point?
  18. JJannui

    Dead PC.

    I've got an old CX500M if you want to buy it
  19. JJannui

    Hendricks, Collier and Dom

    think ya misread the names there pal
  20. JJannui

    Ready for a Miracle?

    That what I thought but my character is levelling up but the tiles are not doing anything
  21. JJannui

    Ready for a Miracle?

    My progress bars don't go up when I play but one of them has gone up a bit randomly... help
  22. JJannui

    Oldest steam account?

    25 Mar, 2013
  23. JJannui

    When did you start playing?

    your car kills the earth more than mine
  24. JJannui

    When did you start playing?

    I remember when you joined and everyone was like 'wow he's so nice' but I didn't know you at all until after you got Moderator. And I met danny and he introduced me to arron and then you appeared and I was really nervous then I remember me and danny slagged you off bc you were too nice as staff...
  25. JJannui

    When did you start playing?

    Since 2014... fuck me, 4 years of my life. Holy shit, where's all my time gone :( Got like 2 and half months in game time too, oh my god, all the stuff I could've been doing :(
  26. JJannui

    a character change

    But how do i grow shrooms?
  27. JJannui

    A look back at the past.

    I don't really think it's an issue with what's changed with PERP but more a factor of who's changed with PERP. Like there was a certain age group and a certain generation that played, the most active players were all in the same age group and made strong friendship groups (Like how everyone went...
  28. JJannui

    [Suggetion] New Legal Job

  29. JJannui

    Trunk bug

    Yes you should pal! The 'hungry trunk' is a known bug that happens very rarely for whatever reason. Just follow the template and follow this guide to upload you demo (link) of the point when you put your M4 into your trunk. Then hopefully the staff will check the logs to make sure it never came...