Search results

  1. Ragnarock

    EVIL's Resignation

    Well if you feel that way evil understand glad that at least you will stay like a player on server like to RP with you sometimes cya in game
  2. Ragnarock

    Me resining!

    cya bb sayonara
  3. Ragnarock

    Goodbye perpheads

    bye bye cya again sometime mate
  4. Ragnarock

    Rather small suggestion but why not...

    Need more people willing to run a food chain meaning RP the restaurants and maybe have a cook job for cooking foods that get your hunger up more quicker and maybe regenerate some health back dunno about that one but at least would promote people to buy uwe burger or some other restaurants like...
  5. Ragnarock

    Cops Guide: Speed Enforcement 101

    nice one thx for putting your time into this always appreciated
  6. Ragnarock

    New popo cars for new map

    well at least no coco nose there anymore
  7. Ragnarock

    Derby [Event Video]

    nice one menta hehe
  8. Ragnarock

    Paralake Fun

    nice ones
  9. Ragnarock

    Nate Sparks intro

    Welcome I seen you on the server playing as a chief and a guy to have some fun with so I am happy to have a new friend between us.Keep playin !!!
  10. Ragnarock

    Balls of Steel

    ice cream triceratops xD
  11. Ragnarock

    Im back.

    goodbye again
  12. Ragnarock

    New rank images

    nice job guys
  13. Ragnarock

    Hey! MazZ speaking.

    he does oink oink i like this guy :D
  14. Ragnarock

    Giving a long break

    good luck man cya some time
  15. Ragnarock

    A funny demo. Stephen the mad bomber

    next time is going to be me next time...
  16. Ragnarock

    camelFun Enters

    hey camel toe i love this guy :P
  17. Ragnarock


    sexyyy voice hello :D
  18. Ragnarock


    american map ... maybe pizza ? :D
  19. Ragnarock


    welcome to the perpheads city
  20. Ragnarock

    rawruss! here :)

    welcome aboard the perpheads ship
  21. Ragnarock

    Hi everyone

    hello and welcome hope you enjoy your time spend here
  22. Ragnarock

    Hello Im Sommer

    welcome to the perpheads enjoy your time here
  23. Ragnarock

    Dusty Reeves

    welcome to perpheads
  24. Ragnarock

    Evil Ls here

    love this guy, you scurvy dog you gonna walk the plank combustible explosives :D
  25. Ragnarock


    hello there i know you already but anyways hello :D
  26. Ragnarock

    Hi everyone who doesn't know me. :D

    hello you crazy guy :P
  27. Ragnarock


    hello welcome to terrorist city :P but seriously welcome to perpheads and enjoy your stay and try to not break any rules ; )
  28. Ragnarock


    wise turtle hiding in his turtle shell :D
  29. Ragnarock

    Paralake City Vover9000

    very nice keep up the good work
  30. Ragnarock

    Gun Service Job.

    + support for this idea