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  1. Fexxe

    can't connect to server.

    The server has gotten more content since you played, if its a long time ago. If your computer isn't great, Garry's Mod will crash or just close down if it runs out of ram. I've had several friends who had this happen to them on their old shitty PC, but once they upgraded to a new one it didn't...
  2. Fexxe


    I would love an addition like this, were you can gather resources used for crafting by other players. It would open up an entire new field to the player run economy. Could this be done properly, I personally would love it.
  3. Fexxe

    Micheal Miller's cleaning service

    I love your orange van. You are a hardworking handyman who deserves many more contracts! +For good RP
  4. Fexxe

    Ye olde Evo

    Oh my the first post by Duffy that shows all the dead bodies inside the PD is one of my finest moments! I remember hearing little more than "armed men inside PD" on the radio, I was SWAT located in the garage underneath it all at that time. I then ran as fast as I could up to the door...
  5. Fexxe

    Hey, guys!

    Welcome to the community! I really hope you will find the server enjoyable, you do sound like a friendly guy. And as all ways, make sure you've read our rules ingame by pressing F1 or going to ;)
  6. Fexxe

    my melone

    Unrealistic and "people" will abuse it. +Support
  7. Fexxe

    31/10/2014 - Server Update

    Truly amazing
  8. Fexxe

    Chop Shop

    This could actually be a difficult one, if you think about it. Let's pretend there is a chop shop. Now, you steal a car, and drive directly to the shop. From stealing the car and arriving to the shop wouldn't take very long, and only leave a Very small window for the police to be able to...
  9. Fexxe

    Hi Guys :D

    Welcome to the community! I don't think I've met you ingame yet, but that time may come. I have seen your posts and comments on the forum. I hope you'll find enough great people to give this a real try, because if you get into the community its great :)
  10. Fexxe

    Hey Guys

    Welcome to the community Wobbie :) Once in game check out the F1 menu containing the server rules, laws, crafting system and more! If you have any questions use the /help channel :)
  11. Fexxe


    It's time for more Fex' pics Big pictures are the best! My grandfathers glasses vv
  12. Fexxe


    Welcome to the community! Hope you will find your time here great :) Remember to read the rules when ingame by pressing F1, or go to If you have any questions ingame, use the /help channel.
  13. Fexxe

    How to tow a vehicle. [Roadcrew Guide]

    I think you missed to show how to properly apply the hook to the car. 99% of time people put the hook on cars in an awkward way and tow the car on the side or even killing them self because of it. To properly hook a car, simply do this: Grab the hook from the side, aiming in the middle of it...
  14. Fexxe

    Ban Request

    I did indeed grab a hold of Earnie about 10 minutes after he did this. He seemed not to understand what I was saying to him, and even when typing he only replied with very short sentences. So it is true that he denied having killed Trax.
  15. Fexxe

    I think its time to call quits.

    Goodbye man! I don't even know what happened, just got on TS and heard the news. I didn't know you very long, and at first time I met you I thought "This guy is a fucking idiot!" because we had a little incident. I quickly got to know you better and from the little time we spend as enforcers...
  16. Fexxe

    Saving Private Daymon

  17. Fexxe

    Meet Daymon

    That poor, poor medic. I cry
  18. Fexxe

    SWAT Test

    I have to agree with Stephen (disagree is death), I often find that if the SWAT is doing a poor job its because of no lieutenant to guide them, or the lieutenant is giving out horrible orders. If the SWAT is guided properly via the lieutenant, by a player who knows how to lead, the SWAT can be...
  19. Fexxe


    Quick! Act normal.. *floats away*
  20. Fexxe

    Fexxe 1989-2014

    HAhahahaha this is one of my greatest moments caught on video :D I'm still laughing out fucking loud over this video 10/10! <3 Pepitoz
  21. Fexxe

    Idea to prevent unexpected traffic tickets

    You need to use the template. I have never had this problem, I've just made it a habit to use the parking brake whenever I leave the car, by holding spacebar. I also think this would make cars everywhere sound the alarm, since people way too often ram or accidentally bump your car.
  22. Fexxe

    Am I late to the party?

    TL: DR Welcome to Perpheads! Hope you will have a great time on the server :)
  23. Fexxe

    Player ID system

    This sounds like a great system, I've been missing more paperwork for the police. For some it might sound redundant, but it could actually makes the RP of pulling someone over a better experience. The only issue I have, is that people often refuse to give you their ID, saying they don't have...
  24. Fexxe

    Higher moaning sounds

    As it is, people actually moan way to loud.. no one who is unconscious IRL would be able to moan so you would hear it more than a couple of meters away.
  25. Fexxe

    GPS Squad Cars

    Seeing as it is very unlikely that an officer IRL would just "steal" another cops car, perhaps an easier solution should be that only the cop who owns the car, should be able to drive it.
  26. Fexxe

    I say HELLO

    Welcome to Perpheads! Hope you will enjoy your time on the server :) Make sure you read all the rules in the F1 tab.
  27. Fexxe

    K3 - Urban driving mode. (idea 14/150)

    A Stephen said, I think changing the cruise control to a standard low speed limiter would work better. I actually never use the cruise control as it currently is, since its not useful and actually gives you a little boost when you stop it again.
  28. Fexxe

    Upcoming Server Update

    This is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!
  29. Fexxe

    A lesson in using the /me function

    Very good post!
  30. Fexxe

    Victor's Introduction

    Welcome Victor! I'm sure that you'll have a great time, just make sure to read through the rules of the server ;) Might seem like a long read, but it doesn't take more than 10 minutes. This is a server that tries to imitate realistic situations as much as possible...