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  1. simplex

    Large Apartment Complex

    Stephen, I don't want to be living with my family in a buisness property just because all the residential homes are all sold out. ;) So for a RP point of view, it would be nice for more liveable conditions to live in.
  2. simplex

    Large Apartment Complex

    Topic: Add a large apartment complex Short explanation (in notes): - Add a large apartment complex somewhere in Paralake. - Will stop the accommodation crisis when server has a high popluation. - Current amount of properties is not enough to accommodate potentially 70 players...
  3. simplex

    AR on Alex Escobar

    Not a public place, you are drug dealing there with the dealer, so why can't you get robbed there?
  4. simplex

    Bye sleep

    smoke some weed before you go bed, it helps you get to sleep better and helps you maintain sleep. Works for me
  5. simplex

    simpleX AR

    Okay, so first off I would like to say, since this incident, I have read all the rules and revised them. I have played cop alot more and grouped up with more experienced police members who told me the do's and don't's. Secondly, for the first incident with the jaywalking, he does walk across...