Search results

  1. JackHilton123

    lil Duski (rapping on perp)

    Lil Duski needs his own radio station on perp mannn
  2. JackHilton123

    lil Duski (rapping on perp)

    My Guy Lil Duski
  3. JackHilton123

    Another One

    not as bad as my tk Taylor xd
  4. JackHilton123

    no problem mate just send me the money through paypal mate. :)

    no problem mate just send me the money through paypal mate. :)
  5. JackHilton123

    Another One

    ayyyy first scene was so funny xd
  6. JackHilton123


    got some big bollocks on him to do that
  7. JackHilton123

    its red actually baby

    its red actually baby
  8. JackHilton123

    Looking for games..

    stop ban evading and you would have a game to play :D jk
  9. JackHilton123

    The Bishes Crew

    this is gonna stay forever for the memes
  10. JackHilton123

    The Bishes Crew

    you bunch of nutters
  11. JackHilton123

    Ljungberg's Guide to PERP for Beginners

    Very good idea mate, this should help a lot of people out who are starting off :p
  12. JackHilton123

    Refund Request

    'we had men with guns' you have a mp5 2 taurus's and a glock we all have m4s there was a 0.1% of you getting out alive
  13. JackHilton123

    Refund Request

    we have already spoke about this to a admin why u still going on mate?
  14. JackHilton123

    Refund Request

    it wasnt silenced
  15. JackHilton123

    voice reveal

    i got excited for a sec :stop:
  16. JackHilton123

    petition to bring back the old drug growing system

    new concept of growing drugs is so much better it may be more expensive but its perfect if they made the crafting for a planter cheaper i would enjoy it even more
  17. JackHilton123


    absolute geezer
  18. JackHilton123


    egg @LEWIS 088
  19. JackHilton123

    Beautiful rendition of Titanic by Takeshi

    bout a lil tear to me eyes
  20. JackHilton123

    aaron the meme

    Aaron is a fucking legend
  21. JackHilton123

    AR on Jack Shanks

    nothing more i can say tbh mate just let the admins decide
  22. JackHilton123

    AR on Jack Shanks

    but no one IRL would just from that height now would they?
  23. JackHilton123

    AR on Jack Shanks

    take that back Draxen was there about another situation
  24. JackHilton123

    AR on Jack Shanks

    we ran away from cops due to we killed them, then we ran to forest and thought we should get monorail to hide and get our car, then saw u which u clearly stopped on top of highway then we shot at you towards, because we knew you was gonna call it in.... rule 2.1 clearly states that isn't...
  25. JackHilton123

    AR on Jack Shanks

    this was already dealt with Draxen?
  26. JackHilton123

    SpaceShots' Final Goodbye

    i am so sad to hear this Spaceshots mate. i have had some great times with u in the past, good luck with your hobby mate <3
  27. JackHilton123


    Your in-game name: Jack Shanks Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:78926255 What do you need refunded: Deagle full mag and a pistol reflex Why do you want your item(s) refunded: User broke rules and got us killed Evidence: @Super_ dealt with the report
  28. JackHilton123


  29. JackHilton123

    Perpheads Montage #1

    did i seriously watch all this.....