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  1. The HitMan


  2. The HitMan

    'The End'

    It's coming up to 10 years since I joined and over those years I have made lots of crash videos which came from me playing ets2. So I thought why not make them for Garry's Mod since people like hitting things. I've done a massive clearout of clips I had saved from 2019 onwards and put them...
  3. The HitMan

    Features that you miss (or hate)

    Vehicles stalling after hitting a sign at 5mph. grass/corn field at the farm along with the side hut and shooting range V1 subs( never experienced it on V1), looks cool and all the houses were ownable Luxury Road @Feng Hicktown Trailer with no closing front door Bazaar Music, trying to hear...
  4. The HitMan

    PLPD Online Suggestion View observation reports you have submitted

    Can you not search for your name? I can which lets me see all the reports I have done since the dawn of time.
  5. The HitMan

    Offering to edit your PERP frag clips :)

    Does it need to be frag clips?
  6. The HitMan

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    Has anyone got a vehicle sized cross hair I can use? This is a roleplay server ( cops and robbers with extra steps ) fact people need cross hairs to gain an advantage is no suprise neither is people using stupid resolutions or making your game look like Roblox.
  7. The HitMan

    Cheating for montage clips - is it worth it?

    Only acceptable if you make a documentary @Tyla Jai
  8. The HitMan

    Do you consider 'Sweaters' to be people?

    These are the real sweatervests
  9. The HitMan

    Things that piss you off about games

    Games that force you to be online 247 even if it's single player, new test drive game which is online only.
  10. The HitMan

    Bug Report (LUA appears, sometimes police computer lastest tab is emply.)

    Not really rare when I keep getting it
  11. The HitMan

    Bug Report (LUA appears, sometimes police computer lastest tab is emply.)

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: LUA appears, sometimes police computer lastest tab is emply. How to reproduce the Bug: Be on duty as PD at any time Time Stamp: 24/10/2024 14:00 Errors: gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/core/sh_net_calls.lua:30: Net call failed for...
  12. The HitMan

    Vault Corporation | A Tyla Jai Documentary

    @Tyla Jai Yes he was right, you do overcomplicate everything.
  13. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Communication improvement: incident handling

    A downside @GP is if someone is being held at GP and creates an incident alerting other units. Then again it's the same with the panic button.
  14. The HitMan

    Opinion on the upcoming RDR1 PC port?

    Hopefully, it's not being done by a 3rd party that doesn't have a clue what they are doing like with the Enhanced versions of GTA 3, VC and SA. Mods will be good as well.
  15. The HitMan

    Death Montage #2

    Following on from the previous video I'm Currently going through clips to make another takedown video at some point. Unfortunately, Shadowplay changed my Microphone output so most clips don't have my voice( Not really missing much apart from raging)
  16. The HitMan

    Dropped my ESP on the best perp vids ever

    Dropped my ESP on the best perp vids ever
  17. The HitMan

    Bug Report (gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/core/sh_net_calls.lua:30: Net call failed for plpd_create_game_token stack traceback: gamemodes/darkrp/

    Type of Bug: Lua Description of the Bug: gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/core/sh_net_calls.lua:30: Net call failed for plpd_create_game_token stack traceback: gamemodes/darkrp/gamemode/modules/core/sh_core.lua:414: in function 'ErrorNoHalt'...
  18. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Give SGT.+access to mossberg 590 in patrol gear

    Cops don't need more guns, we have strength in numbers and better equipment. People will just run straight into a building like lemmings and die 1 by 1. We have TFU with a better arsenal who are "trained" to die first anyway.
  19. The HitMan


    1990 Rover Maestro has no power steering and 3 speed gearbox.
  20. The HitMan

    Resignation / Goodbyes

    Just remember if you crash you can't F7+Enter. Good luck with your future plans.
  21. The HitMan

    Happened before and nothing was done about it, salty crim

    Happened before and nothing was done about it, salty crim
  22. The HitMan

    Not anymore :(

    Not anymore :(
  23. The HitMan

    Update Log - 15/05/2024

    @ALOO89 you happy now?
  24. The HitMan

    stretched resolution or native resolution

    I would like some scientific evidence that changing the resolution size has any benefits at all.
  25. The HitMan

    Ask our perpheads veterans questions (or come say hi :)

    never living that down
  26. The HitMan

    Police Suggestion Remove a police vehicle, if it is not being used for certain time.

    Bring back the ability for SGTs+ that can revoke cars.
  27. The HitMan

    Map Suggestion Signs for highway and a subs gas station

    Would be nice for signs directing people to key areas like business sector and subs or when entering city area.
  28. The HitMan

    Worse host

    128 players on a server that can't handle that amount of players is the problem.
  29. The HitMan

    Why does the server keep crashing

    The server can't handle 128 people since we've chosen the quantity over the quality route.
  30. The HitMan

    Dash Cams

    What car have you got? If it's a Corsa or a fiesta you are fecked anyway.