Search results

  1. Butterman561

    Updated vehicles / mods, its 2020!!

    Just want an Opel Corsa smh
  2. Butterman561

    Add the ability to use a baseball bat as RoadCrew

    I support this, as I was RPing as roadcrew today there was a VERY angry individual who wanted his car back and he was on the VERGE of acting up because I impounded his vehicle
  3. Butterman561


    Your in-game name: Shaniqua Till (mine), Georgia Hustle (Reverie) Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:79348852 (mine), STEAM_0:0:226875681 (Reverie) What do you need refunded: AK74u (with a 74u stock and a mag) and HK45(Pistol red dot, suppressor and mag), Reverie had an ak47(ak101 stock, comp, red dot, mag)...