Search results

  1. SteamedRevenge


    I've started playing Perpheads again after not playing for a year and have had a few issues and reports. He has helped me and solved every single one of them and I've had no issues with him, he is very friendly. Thanks!
  2. SteamedRevenge

    Alright didn't know I couldn't vouch for my opinion on refunds. And I made a second post before...

    Alright didn't know I couldn't vouch for my opinion on refunds. And I made a second post before I got the warning so if that could be deleted that would be appreciated.
  3. SteamedRevenge

    How to play without being banned?

    There's no comment function on mobile site :(
  4. SteamedRevenge

    How to play without being banned?

    Hey, last time I played perp was back in June of 2016 and have 8 bans and 13 warnings. This is because i really got pissed off when i got arrested or lost all my items, I was also really immature back then and most of my band were received in 2014 and 2015 due to trolling. I really want to...
  5. SteamedRevenge

    Hey Perpheads!

    Hey Mattis, of course I remember you! Glad to see you.
  6. SteamedRevenge

    Hey Perpheads!

    Thank you for the useful information, hope to play and potentially meet soon.
  7. SteamedRevenge

    Hey Perpheads!

    Hey Perpheads community, You more than likely remember me as 'Mr. Revenge' or similar, I was a guy that broke both in-game & forum rules but I am attempting to repair any damage done. After a two year getaway from both the forum and the server I have decided to come back and play by the rules...
  8. SteamedRevenge

    What Does Color Correction Do?

    I'm 12 which means I don't know a lot of stuff and I wanted to ask "What does color correction do?" and "If I turn it off will it reduce lag?" If anyone has an answer it would be helpful, oh and some screenshots of what difference it makes when turned on/off.
  9. SteamedRevenge

    I'm Back!

    So I wasn't online for about 2 months and I'll explain why! First off I was tired from some of the rule breakers on the server. Second off I had my confirmation. Third off I was upgrading my setup. I'm glad to be back and I want a brand new start. (Like you have never ever seen me.) Can't...
  10. SteamedRevenge

    C.S.W.A.T (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

  11. SteamedRevenge


    So today @Hax was mugging me. He told me to drop all my stuff. But I was stalling. It took me 5 mins to drop all my stuff. I apologise about that and I hope it never happens again.
  12. SteamedRevenge

    When You Join You Get A Few Questions!

    Topic: When You Join You Get A Few Questions! Short explanation (in notes): - When you join the server it would ask you a few questions. Detailed description (why should it become added/...): The questions would be. 1. Do you know how to speak English properly? 2. Have you ever played...
  13. SteamedRevenge

    Things you're proud of about your country

    Ireland We brought you potatoes. Our men helped Britain fight Geramny during WW1 and WW2. (your country were pussies) We have drunk people. WE FOUGHT HARD FOR 3/4 OF OUR COUNTRY. Britain has 1/4.
  14. SteamedRevenge

    C.S.W.A.T (Corrupt Sticks With Ass-kicking Tactics)

    () Important bulletin () Need 2,000 dollars to make org. New LT Oscar Trulock. Meeting at Hicktown this weekend. (Time to be confirmed soon.) Uniform will be released soon. () Important bulletin ()
  15. SteamedRevenge


    Never seen such a funny guy, even though he's being mean it's very funny. Trande you are my teacher. Never seen him in-game before though but hes pretty much on every post on the forums.
  16. SteamedRevenge


    So rate the server here from a scale of 1-10. Right down your reason too. i r8 8 m8 dis server is soo g8 but does need a few "Staff Improvements".
  17. SteamedRevenge

    Xhantium M4A1 + full mag refund request.

    Evidence IS REQUIRED anyone can have a friend lie for him. EDIT: I read Devilson so fast I had no idea it was a mod. Soz.
  18. SteamedRevenge


    So the server was full and I opened up the legacy console and did the thing to auto-connect. Problem is I've had it open for over 2 hours and when I clicked GMOD again I saw that like 10 people joined and I din't even though I''m supposed to join first as I have legacy console! Why is that?
  19. SteamedRevenge

    Skin Suggestions!

    I'm looking for good and cheap CS:GO skins. Put your suggestion down here! I only have 0,03 Euro so please make it under that. Donations would be helpful.
  20. SteamedRevenge

    If We Had 1,000,000 Taxi Drivers In Paralake

    @ErmakDimon will you quit harassing me! I'm allowed to share other peoples content. Just because you posted 1 thing from his channel doesen't mean I can't post it. So you're telling me just because you watch MrRoberto471 means I can't watch him? Also you called me a faggot In the shoutbox. Go...
  21. SteamedRevenge

    Copy and paste that

    Copy and paste that
  22. SteamedRevenge
  23. SteamedRevenge

    Every Cop In PERP

    They were all breaking 3.4. They took out a gun while aimbot was used against them.
  24. SteamedRevenge

    Every Cop In PERP

  25. SteamedRevenge

    Computer setups

    Whole Setup: My Laptop Specs: Laptop: Lenovo ThinkPad Edge E530c First Monitor (Screen): Standard Laptop Screen 1366x768 Second Monitor (Screen): Lenovo L171 1280x1024 Processor: Intel Core i3-3120M CPU @ 2.50GHz 2.50GHz Memory (RAM): DDR3 12.00GB (11.6...
  26. SteamedRevenge

    Rogue Car Tyres

    I know him from DarkRP. Tried to kidnap him.