Search results

  1. Alex_:D

    Oh my fucking god

    Oh my fucking god
  2. Alex_:D

    The Mathematics of Gambling - Public Awareness

    Fredy is so desperate for you to give money to the PH bank, he's gagging for it.
  3. Alex_:D

    Server owner breaks rules

    He was testing the ragdoll functionality
  4. Alex_:D

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    You guys have turned this game mode into such a nerd police game, at this point Maia should just add a concert hall and stream taylor swift 24/7.
  5. Alex_:D

    is it me

    is it me
  6. Alex_:D

    Is the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R game worth it?

    It's not exactly old, its last generation lmfao, game is poorly optimised.
  7. Alex_:D

    Is the new S.T.A.L.K.E.R game worth it?

    I've finished the game, my computer is decent 7800x3d and a 3080 and it runs kinda poorly, I use medium settings at 3440x1440. The story is good, the gunplay is fun, world is a bit empty, its a solid 7/10.
  8. Alex_:D


  9. Alex_:D

    [IMG] Glorious Leader

    Glorious Leader
  10. Alex_:D

    [IMG] French Fredy

    French Fredy
  11. Alex_:D

    [IMG] Our lord and saviour @Fredy

    Our lord and saviour @Fredy
  12. Alex_:D

    They're bad.

    They're bad.
  13. Alex_:D

    Permabanned giveaway

    The Shadow Admin team has spoken, the weapons will be deleted, giveaway cancelled.
  14. Alex_:D


  15. Alex_:D

    Where do you go on vacation

    If you want to spend your entire holiday in a resort go to Butlins its much cheaper, people should visit other countries to experience the culture, see the sights not just sit in a hotel by the pool.
  16. Alex_:D

    R6 Montage vIDK

    Peak forum content right here.
  17. Alex_:D

    Where do you go on vacation

    Who the fuck cares if it's cheap and cheerful, so are the Balaeric islands and they don't come with the risk of kidnap, rape, terrorism, questionable food hygiene, nor do they support a rhetoric to destroy Ukraine. Erdogan and his puppets tried to block Finland and Sweden's ascension to Nato...
  18. Alex_:D


    I've been reliably informed you can fit a mattress in the back of a v70, classic uk dogging car.
  19. Alex_:D

    Where do you go on vacation

    People go because they're inept, nobody should be supporting Turkey while Erdogan is in power because he's a terrible human being.
  20. Alex_:D

    Where do you go on vacation

    Dude, the advice website literally says not to even step off a road in Bosnia as you risk being blown up by a mine, go on google maps the place is literally a 3rd world shithole. I've left the UK plenty of times, I especially enjoy the Amalfi Coast and Sorrento along with Majorca, we'll...
  21. Alex_:D

    Where do you go on vacation

    What is it with everyone visiting these weirdo ex commy countries that are still developing, places like Bosnia are littered with landmines from the 90's and even the capital is just full of commy tower blocks with nothing to see. also, Turkey?? wtf are you visiting this anti Ukraine shit hole...
  22. Alex_:D

    3D Printing

    I have a Bambu Lab p1s /w AMS for multicoloured prints
  23. Alex_:D

    3D Printing

    Hello I have been summoned. I am the 3d print man. The printer you have purchased leaves some to be desired shall we say, no we'll say it, its hot garbage. Don't get me wrong its workable but you'll need to slow that bitch down to get any decent quality prints because ultimately it's a bed...
  24. Alex_:D

    Hello please join the TS at your earliest convenience to be interviewed for the role of Paramedic.

    Hello please join the TS at your earliest convenience to be interviewed for the role of Paramedic.
  25. Alex_:D

    That's actually cursed

    That's actually cursed
  26. Alex_:D


  27. Alex_:D

    [IMG]Nice feet bolli

    Nice feet bolli
  28. Alex_:D


  29. Alex_:D


    He's been eradicated, please check his account.
  30. Alex_:D


    Can we ban this dudes forum account he's causing me alarm and distress