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  1. Alex_:D

    Lets talk coffee....

    Pull it together boys, if you're not grinding at home you're not doing it right.
  2. Alex_:D

    10x Premium Giveaway for new players.

    Fredy need premium STEAM_0:0:1908640
  3. Alex_:D

    You tell me buddy

    You tell me buddy
  4. Alex_:D

    Can my friend get unbanned?

    Me and my team of top class lawyer's will investigate this at once, we simply cannot have authoritarianism like this present at Perpheads. What is your friends steam ID/Name? If you have any trouble don't fret just contact @Standish Communism will prevail and we shall all be free. Maybe...
  5. Alex_:D

    We had some bumps along the road. I've been here since the beginning buddy

    We had some bumps along the road. I've been here since the beginning buddy
  6. Alex_:D

    I'm back after the communist Americans took great offense to a meme

    I'm back after the communist Americans took great offense to a meme
  7. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    Zoomer calls people virgin on internet, top meme
  8. Alex_:D

    Why does American TV have 2 minute adverts for medications

    You can buy 100 paracetamol, its called acetaminophen in a big ass tub dude. Just buy 5 tubs and bring it back, never buy paracetamol again. If you're a heroin user you can buy naloxone and reverse your own overdose. Walmart pro
  9. Alex_:D

    Why do we tip waiters and not chefs

    We don't tip #ukmoment
  10. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    How so? A montage is a montage, was always cringe, it's especially cringe on a roleplay server.
  11. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    Hello everyone im a hardcore g4mer i mad3 you a new m0ntige here you go!
  12. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    2021? What makes you pick that year, I'm sure morons we're making gigachad montages #imthemaincharacter
  13. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    Well a good start would be banning all these cringe raid orgs who do nothing else but find an excuse to shoot anything that moves. Remove all posts relating the being good at shooting, remove all montage posts. This was never a thing before.
  14. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    Time for a drastic change.
  15. Alex_:D

    Perptage 4

    The fact people make montages of a roleplay servers show the state at which the server currently is.
  16. Alex_:D

    What do you imagine the reward will be?

    Fredy would like to inform you that the reward will be free premium for 1 month, don't forget to thank him.
  17. Alex_:D

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    I'll re-phrase it, you're not a moron, you're a consumer.
  18. Alex_:D

    Model Suggestion Chains

    Fuck me this guy wants chav roleplay.
  19. Alex_:D

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    That shit will be okay but would highly recommend any of the hotswap boards from Keychron or GMMK, idk what size you want. GMMK have some decent boards for like £100 Keychron have the same essentially Anything with linear switches will be reasonably silent but if you want a completely...
  20. Alex_:D

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    It's not an arts and craft project at all, you clearly know nothing about it. You buy a pre-assembled keyboard, pick switches based on sound and feel and literally clip them in like lego. It's as easy as taking off a keycap.
  21. Alex_:D

    Computer no worky - help!

    Do the lights come on for the actual PC? Cmos battery probably dead.
  22. Alex_:D

    best cherry mx silent red keyboard

    Don't listen to any of the morons here, they know nothing. Build your own its literally as easy as lego. Any of the Q series boards here can be bought as barebones and you can then go and select your own silent keyswitches.
  23. Alex_:D

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    It serves no purpose to your life, big vape is just laughing at you
  24. Alex_:D

    Disposable vapes to be banned

    All products relating to smoking should be banned, the government are trying to save money from you smoking fucks with your COPD.
  25. Alex_:D

    Firework Shows - New Year Celebrations

    What's your suggestion?
  26. Alex_:D

    Firework Shows - New Year Celebrations

    Always next year buddy
  27. Alex_:D

    Firework Shows - New Year Celebrations

    Going to be s*** guy who made the fireworks doesn't know what he's doing.
  28. Alex_:D

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    We became snowflakes when toxicity became against the rules, blame Ethan