Search results

  1. Alex_:D

    PLPD clown department - A cheffz

    I sat next to him for a while, he's not making anything lmao
  2. Alex_:D

    Unnecessary toxicity towards minors

    It's not toxicity, we're attempting to move people away from a terrible part of the current UK culture, you should know, you live in Birmingham.
  3. Alex_:D

    PLPD clown department - A cheffz

    Whoooooa I missed this one, good thing @CensoredExe made a post about it. Creative? Maybe. Fun? Maybe. Like @PLPD Announcements said, you're not going to get a job doing this my son, stay in school, get A*'s in your shitty GCSE's and maybe, just maybe you'll be able to get a well paid job and...
  4. Alex_:D

    The PH Fixers

    That is a slanderous comment, please see a picture of our capital in the picture in the original post, we are now ready to start giving back to the poor.
  5. Alex_:D

    The PH Fixers

    The PH Fixers The PH Fixers have figured out the final solution to the Triple PH problem, we now have the knowledge on how to rig the slot machines to provide a profit every time. You may have seen me and my counterpart Mr Wilburn Blocker testing the slot machines since the Casino opened, this...
  6. Alex_:D

    Server Suggestion Allow yourself to be banned from gamling at the casino front desk

    Poor roleplay, better to use autoclicker on slot machine
  7. Alex_:D

    Server Suggestion Allow yourself to be banned from gamling at the casino front desk

    I'm down 30+million, I wouldn't say I'm addicted.
  8. Alex_:D

    A Cheffz - M way

    WAIT..... this is actually him, hahaha, fuck me I'm done.
  9. Alex_:D

    A Cheffz - M way

    Why? You're not going to be online until like 4pm my time anyways
  10. Alex_:D

    A Cheffz - M way

    "on my way to the OP, carry a Glock" ???!! All these fucking drill rap retards think they're driving around in fucking Mosul (Iraq) and for some reason require firearms to defend themselves, half of these chavs try to start on me on a daily basis, the only weapon I need is my feet to slowly walk...
  11. Alex_:D

    I'm just going to the bank to deposit a check, it should clear in the morning so I have another...

    I'm just going to the bank to deposit a check, it should clear in the morning so I have another 20m to spend.
  12. Alex_:D

    To the guy with the green hat.

    @John Daymon @Fredy Look at this abuse from Daymon, ban him!!!
  13. Alex_:D

    To the guy with the green hat.

    I will have it all back tomorrow.
  14. Alex_:D

    To the guy with the green hat.

    I have green hat, I have money.
  15. Alex_:D

    zansa montage

    This music is abhorrent and frankly racist, honestly you'd be better off using Taylor Swift.
  16. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango Dude, if you think I genuinely care about this dying community then you must be mentally deficient, the only thing I care about is that the teamspeak stays running.
  17. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango Because you're literally feeding a troll and it's winding you up.... lmfao.
  18. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango The guy who makes this little cringe gamemode is almost 30 and you're bitching about my age for trolling on the internet, you're hysterical.
  19. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango I'm not crying, I literally couldn't care less, it's a fucking joke, I'm trolling on a public forum, people can do what ever the fuck they want, welcome to the internet you little fuck nugget.
  20. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango What the fuck are you talking about kid? You're confusing the fuck out of me. English motherfucker do you speak it?
  21. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    @mango What does that have to do with this?
  22. Alex_:D

    short return montage

    Steaming pile of shit, imagine making a shooting montage on a roleplay server, go play csgo and make me a montage.
  23. Alex_:D

    The Fall Of The Third Reich | 1945 (This is a goodbye post)

    Omg he noticed me! wait.... I'm a minge, oh fuck.
  24. Alex_:D

    Community Shitpost #4

    The almighty and powerful Luke Person never believed in rule 3.4, he said and I'll quote "If someone shoots at you and you escape then you didn't break 3.4, if you died, you broke 3.4". Lmao.
  25. Alex_:D


    Yay another montage of spraying people down! Great roleplay boys!
  26. Alex_:D

    lebron james - favourite sportsman

    This is my fave basketball player, lebron james or something
  27. Alex_:D

    The OVH fire: an accurate reconstruction of the events from Fredy's POV

    I can give you an accurate description of events, Fredy found out and proceeded to enact his "Generalplan Ost" plan, this is where he decides to start a genocide, first he rang Bolli at approximately 2am, Bolli did not respond, he then rang a few of his other generals but nobody picked up, then...
  28. Alex_:D

    A Perp 5M Server

    Five M is a great resource and I'm sure a server would be great... but It's not going to happen, Fredy is focused on wasting his time on Gmod right now and soon will be moving to S & box. Might as well close the thread.
  29. Alex_:D

    Lions & Eagles

    Can't aim if I don't play.
  30. Alex_:D

    Lions & Eagles

    Omg yay, a new rap montage video of a game that has terrible gun mechanics, wooooop