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  1. Alex_:D


    Alright you fat fuck, no need to get sarcastic.
  2. Alex_:D

    Post your setup

    Fix the weeb pictures they're causing me anxiety, something about it makes me think you kidnap children.
  3. Alex_:D


    When did I say it was a problem? I was just pointing something out.
  4. Alex_:D


    I love how this community used to be about roleplay and suddenly it's turned into a battle of making the best montage of spraying people down.
  5. Alex_:D

    PERPHeads 2021 CS:GO Tournament - Teams and times.

    @John Daymon I am happy to analyse what can only be described as the most spectacular set of idiots known to man.
  6. Alex_:D

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    All I'll say is that you should make a plan for a tattoo, think about it for an entire 6 months, if you still think its a good idea go for it. I guess you didn't plan for 6 months with that Yoda tattoo :laughcry:
  7. Alex_:D

    Perpheads tattoo thread V2

    "Note: If anybody decides to post a picture of their tattoos, don’t talk shit about them!" Wait what the fuck am I meant to do now?
  8. Alex_:D

    I post memes, follow me @

    I post memes, follow me @
  9. Alex_:D

    2021 Easter bunny doll

    Wow so original, thanks for this great idea. :)
  10. Alex_:D

    Server Suggestion Gun smoke after prolonged firing

    Not gonna lie, this is kinda pointless
  11. Alex_:D

    Guide to Assassinating The Mayor.

    I haven't attacked anything, I'm simply stating that you shouldn't make posts about following rules if your post doesn't follow the rules, you'll just confuse some of the simple minded people here.
  12. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    Weebs like you should be destroyed to stop the spread of idiocy.
  13. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    Someone delete this post, its bad.
  14. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    @curak Crucifixion is what I was referring to, you know, roman empire putting people on crosses, late 1st centaury, early 2nd?
  15. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    @rogue Why have a real house when you can have one in VR?
  16. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    @Pugga I prefer this live version with Johnny Marr
  17. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    Ah yes, 30BC suicide prevention jingle, it's a good one, modern day suicide prevention songs just aren't as good.
  18. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    The fact you even know about this makes you a chav, I don't care what you say, you're a fucking chav if you like this. Is he even speaking English? Sounds like a fucking whale.
  19. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    1. It's a bit dull really. 2. Netsky has far better songs, like Rio 3. Obviously in my classical playlist. 4. Isn't mitch like a pedo or something?
  20. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    @Moti From The Schuna It's not toxic.
  21. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    The human race cannot be saved I once saw a cat get runover by a car, terrible traumatic experience, IT WAS STILL BETTER THAN THIS SHIT.
  22. Alex_:D

    Guide to Assassinating The Mayor.

    This post is borderline pathetic. "taxes being set above 35%" That's not a good reason, do those taxes actually have a negative effect on you? Do you own a shop? Are you crafting? The way you word this post makes it seem like if the Mayor so much as looks at you funny you can just...
  23. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    1. I've heard @Ayjay scream in a more melodic way on teamspeak. 2. Great song, forgot it existed 3. @Fredy is featured in this video 4.Obviously a classic, just like this 5. Weeb idiot
  24. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    This is all fucking trash.
  25. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    1. Nice melodic tones, shame Kanye had to ruin it. 2. Chav 3. Chav
  26. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    Me saving everyday for an unrealistic mortgage.
  27. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    This song is certified trash, but considering the other submissions on this thread, I'll give it a solid 7/10
  28. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    This is just, no.
  29. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    Who would've thought you'd post a song I actually really really enjoy.
  30. Alex_:D

    Alex rating peoples music choices

    1. Any type of Ameno is good, even your weeb version. The rest is just terrible, Americans should be banned from this community.