Search results

  1. Legion

    Identity RPG game

    Goddamn, glad I didn't buy this
  2. Legion


    I want to see Jamal with a Megumin profile pic
  3. Legion

    What is your desktop wallpaper?

    pretty messy
  4. Legion


    hello i like free things
  5. Legion

    PERPHeads Staff Team Christmas Giveaway

    Thank you staff team, very cool
  6. Legion

    Christmas giveaway

    mistakes were made
  7. Legion

    Christmas giveaway

    help me get a new monitor
  8. Legion

    christian minecraft server :)

    literally unplayable
  9. Legion

    Yes it's me

    YoU'rE rUiNiNg My RP eXpErIeNcE
  10. Legion

    What car would you recommend me in Perp?

    EB110 is one of the ugliest cars on the server, think I've only ever seen one person with one
  11. Legion

    Update Log - 10/12/2018

    They're like 1k a piece so it's not bad if you get a bunch and sell them, it's also nice to have a large stash of them
  12. Legion

    Perpheads direwolf20 1.12 minecraft server 2018/19

    Minecraft IGN: Bravewolf115 Team you are joining(if applicable): Windows 10 Additional Comments: ez pz go play minecraft noob
  13. Legion

    no deal

    no deal
  14. Legion


    Sad to see you go, had a lot of good times on unturned. Hope you'll still drop by on TS.
  15. Legion

    Update Log - 10/12/2018

    Let us steal water tanks
  16. Legion

    eco fragz

  17. Legion

    Cheaper Guns Suggestion Post

    Current weapon prices are absurd, a basic AK-47 with a full mag will cost 16k Now, what if you want a red dot & comp? That'll run you up to 24k Let's say you get raided by police and lose your planter boxes as well, that'll run you up to 42k. Not including the seeds, pots, and ammo you'll...
  18. Legion

    lets build paralake

  19. Legion


  20. Legion

    L8r B

    Maybe you'll actually be able to fly a plane in GTA then lmao
  21. Legion

    L8r B

    Don't make the same mistake Aquaa did by getting a Mac, dude doesn't even have a numpad
  22. Legion


    Gonna KOS NPC's later
  23. Legion


    Robbed the bank earlier but ok. I definitely don't own any fursuits, anyone spotted with one is KOS
  24. Legion


    imma rdm you
  25. Legion


    Time to win the 3rd one in a row, also not a furry you NPC
  26. Legion


  27. Legion

    Good thing I ain't a furry

    Good thing I ain't a furry
  28. Legion

    What the fuck

    What the fuck
  29. Legion

    Aquaa you need to stick to giving out quests, you embarrass yourself when you do anything else

    Aquaa you need to stick to giving out quests, you embarrass yourself when you do anything else