Search results

  1. GraveDinosaur


  2. GraveDinosaur

    AR on Nizma + Lixu

    I will give the part of my story from what happened in the admin sit. It will be fairly short. When I pulled them up and talked to them about the situation he said that the cop gave him an invalid ticket because they were singing fuck the police. But watching the video it's obvious they started...
  3. GraveDinosaur

    Loaded M82

    Agent Green (Who was not apart of the crime) Was constantly blocked in his car by a medic and arrested making him loose his M82. The medic was given a verbal warning as he was a new player with 0 warnings. But as I was not there to see the whole situation It might be best to upload a demo. If...
  4. GraveDinosaur

    RR For Xhantiumx2

    At the sit Xhantium claimed that the person broke 3.26. The person was asked to provide a demo but has not yet given the demo to me.
  5. GraveDinosaur

    Happy Birthday mate.

    Happy Birthday mate.
  6. GraveDinosaur

    RR For Xhantiumx2

    A player broke rules in order to mug @xhantium. During the sit I told him to make an RR and gave the person In question a warning. @MoronPipllyd Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into...
  7. GraveDinosaur

    RR for MP5

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  8. GraveDinosaur

    RR For Xhantium

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  9. GraveDinosaur

    Refund request

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  10. GraveDinosaur

    Refund Request - Ljungberg

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  11. GraveDinosaur

    Refund Request

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  12. GraveDinosaur

    RR full AK

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  13. GraveDinosaur

    thankz :3

    thankz :3
  14. GraveDinosaur

    Refund Request

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  15. GraveDinosaur

    RR For Xhantium

    They had there drugs stolen during an admin sit I took them to. If they had not been in an admin sit they might of been able to defend and save their drugs.
  16. GraveDinosaur

    Refund for 18400

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  17. GraveDinosaur

    Swat killed me after transporting ak

    Denied Without any evidence senior staff cant give you a refund. We need to see evidence that the weapons were lost though non rp. Sorry.
  18. GraveDinosaur


    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  19. GraveDinosaur

    Refund reguest - SIG fully loaded

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  20. GraveDinosaur

    Refund Request - 2x Loaded AK-47

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  21. GraveDinosaur

    RR - Iam broke

    Accepted Please contact Senior Administration in-game to receive your item(s). You can do this by making a /report and posting your RR link into the report. Thank you.
  22. GraveDinosaur

    Alex Escobar

    User will be given a ban for 3.15 2.1 and 3.4. As you can see in the video he was randomly breaking traffic laws in front of the police department and following you around. Because this was the police department he would of easily been caught doing this. Watching the video further he started...
  23. GraveDinosaur

    Nathaniel Kray

    Broken rules: 3.16 3.3 3.26 2.1 3.4 3.19 1.1 1.4. After watching the videos It's really obvious that @Nathanial Falzone has no intention for serious role-play and does not seem to understand the rules even after he has been given a total of 7 bans and 12 warnings. It has become apparent to me...
  24. GraveDinosaur

    WillyV's 3.4

    From looking at the video Chris provided I can see from Chirs' perspective that the weapons bayonet was clearly visible. He had the right to take his gun and have it on passive because of this. I don't know why you were there in the first place because you just drove off as soon as he gun...
  25. GraveDinosaur


    Good luck with your finals mate.
  26. GraveDinosaur

    Action Request

    Ga-lau has broken 1.1 3.24 3.4 and 3.26. Looking into the logs I can see has never had a warning or a ban before. So he most likely new to the server. I will give him a warning for the rules broken and talk to him in game if he ever comes back on line and help him with the servers rules to...
  27. GraveDinosaur


    After watching the demo it is clear that you were shot and killed from the swat officer whiles you were currently posing no threat. If he though you were the one that killed him he still shouldn't of shot you since you were currently unarmed at the time making it easier to arrest you. The swat...
  28. GraveDinosaur

    DNSUnlocker Virus get a free trial. It's realy good for removing adware
  29. GraveDinosaur

    Pim Beest

    Please provide sufficient evidence. This would be a demo or any other video that can prove your side of the story. Thank you.
  30. GraveDinosaur

    Ban request

    @GrassKlipper Will be given a warning for 4.1 - 4.2 for driving on the wrong side without sirens and emergency lights. I will also speak to him personalty about following the laws and police side of the rules a little bit better. Thank you. P.S: Forgot to add that you can make a refund request .