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  1. fatdoobies

    PH Community Minecraft server

  2. fatdoobies


  3. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Allow yourself to be banned from gamling at the casino front desk

    maybe there should be some playtime barrier stopping newer people spending ALL their money on casino, like it wont let you go under a certain threshold of your bank until you hit a certain amount of playtime.
  4. fatdoobies

    hbd im walkin err

    hbd im walkin err
  5. fatdoobies

    Happy birthday! have a great time with your boyfriend in hastings!

    Happy birthday! have a great time with your boyfriend in hastings!
  6. fatdoobies

    Make food expire

    ur the only guy with 2000 fish in ur storage
  7. fatdoobies

    Make it easier to control M4A1 recoil

    its not that bad just get better smh
  8. fatdoobies

    Kenty - F6 2 AR (Censored Version)

    songs getting better bro
  9. fatdoobies

    Fishing for a skyline

    like you'd know cop main
  10. fatdoobies

    New perp cheat thats wrecking havoc on our server!

    @money stop the cap
  11. fatdoobies

    New perp cheat thats wrecking havoc on our server!

    max? fragging???????????? :stop:
  12. fatdoobies


    flugs is a great guy
  13. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Alternative idea for advanced planter box confiscation.

    Yeah but i feel like fit would just hurt new players who dont know anyone who can craft this type of stuff neither have the crafting lvls to do so. Honestly can't imagine many if any people making a actual business out of it, as people can just craft guns/ammo for way more profit. And its just...
  14. fatdoobies

    Documentary - Niko's Roadcrew Services

    3up tyler mason. 10 years in pen
  15. fatdoobies

    Remove Organisation Rival Requests

    they'll still be targeted, dont matter if they have red text on their heads.
  16. fatdoobies

    dont come wireless

    dont come wireless
  17. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Returning your car back as civilian

    couldnt this just be done with spawning a different car anyways? so whats the difference
  18. fatdoobies

    Rule Changes - 15/04/2021

    bro just grow in a base
  19. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Suppressor for the MP7

  20. fatdoobies


  21. fatdoobies

    happy birthday!

    happy birthday!
  22. fatdoobies

    nice game

  23. fatdoobies

    Introduction of the Construction Booklet

    wheres my tag then :mad:
  24. fatdoobies


  25. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Chess Tablegame for the library

    Please add this! Maybe we could get a prop as well, like the poker table.
  26. fatdoobies

    Server Suggestion Allow bank robbers to take hostages

    +Support realistic idea that promotes RP!
  27. fatdoobies

    big up

    big up
  28. fatdoobies

    Police Suggestion Make police equipment de-spawn on death

    allow other officers to clear each others props and spikes up!
  29. fatdoobies

    Remove the ability to sell drugs while you have a gun in your hand

    I agree with the more risk to drugs stand. But all this is gonna do is hurt new players with no friends or organization from earning money, and allow players with more time and friends to exploit them. It doesnt stop risk or amount of money being earnt, it just redirects money from people who...