YES, this is a huge problem. Everyone is growing and wasting their time. Personally, I never used to grow. My income was from fucking around, mugging, raiding or becoming a cop. NOTHING is happening everyone is a drug lord
only Johnto had good aim. Allyall just sweated your tits off. You had half decent game sense and good communication prob nothing more. We had low amount of hours in siege only reason u won. U prob play a lot together with A1. Anyway, congrats don't take offence of this comment jus truth remember...
What clips were best?
Its basically what you do. You drive around looking for raids and RAID people. Sometimes you give the stuff back and sometimes you take everything. Sometimes we have the courtesy to not mug you. This isn't only olsen gang. You need to understand in PERP there's usually some org or someone...
Team name: Saudi Europia
Team logo: tell me how this is important
Team members( once you have chosen your teammates you can't change them. 6 max.):
@Al Capone
@Dr. Dräjj
@Google Chrome