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  1. Appricey

    Is this against policy?

    Might aswell turn this into a dark rp server at this point, have cops running around shooting people and hitting them with stun sticks for jaywalking.
  2. Appricey

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2019

    Vote Appricey4bestroleplay
  3. Appricey

    Check out my election campaign for COD...

    Check out my election campaign for COD:
  4. Appricey

    Mr Lucifer Winters (AKA Appricey) COD Election campaign leaflet

    Hi there Citizens, Please find attached to this thread my Chief of Department election campaign leaflet, which contains information regarding my hope to be elected into the Chief of Department position. Click here to see election leaflet I would also be happy to answer any questions in...
  5. Appricey

    CoD Election - Candidate Selection

    PERSONAL INFORMATION --------------------------------------------------------------- Name: Appricey / Lucifer Winters Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:104843094 ------------------------------------------------------------------- Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I joined this community in...
  6. Appricey

    Perpheads Maps: Evocity Map

    Map provided by @Ayjay in the Update log - 9/11/2019
  7. Appricey

    Happy birthday wesley!

    Happy birthday wesley!
  8. Appricey

    Issue with brakes on the car

    Thread can be closed. At the time of making this thread I had just returned to the community and I've put the strangeness of the brakes being down to not being used to them at the time of returning. For those who atleast tried supporting me thank you. For others including ex staff members who...
  9. Appricey


  10. Appricey

    Bout time man, you've put a lot of work in and really deserve this role.

    Bout time man, you've put a lot of work in and really deserve this role.
  11. Appricey

    My return to the community

    Glad to see you come back Dobby!! :)
  12. Appricey

    The Winters Family Applications

    Accepted, Welcome to the family.
  13. Appricey

    The Winters Family Applications

    Accepted, welcome to the family.
  14. Appricey

    The Winters Family Applications

    THE WINTERS FAMILY APPLICATION PAGE To join the family you can: 1. Submit an application expressing your interest here. 2. Speak with the boss/godfather directly in the city. APPLICATION: Your name: Why you want to join: ORGANISATION PAGE...
  15. Appricey

    The Winters Family

    THE WINTERS FAMILY WHO ARE WE? The Winters Family are a fresh organisation just starting out in Paralake. In an attempt to make a name for himself and establish an empire within Paralake the GodFather Lucifer Winters has established his family in the pursuit of wealth, power and fame. The...
  16. Appricey

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    I'm obviously opposed to this topic and I will try explain why in most civilised way that I can. Bringing back the old SWAT System has already been explained by Aquaa and is likely never to happen, however my two cents on the matter is simply no. The current TFU are better as they have...
  17. Appricey

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    I never said the PD was perfect, there are most certainly things I would see changed, but its not so bad that I would see it removed in place of the old system. I'm not having a go at you or anything, but this is how I see it. In terms of being enjoyable I do enjoy working in the pd as it is...
  18. Appricey

    How active is the PD? Do we need it being as big as it is?

    You say your trying to play a game and granted that is fair we are all here to play, but this server is a "Serious RP" server which means it's aim is to seriously imitate the real world which means we need a realistic pd with realistic ranks that's just plain and simple. I loved the old system...
  19. Appricey

    Happy birthday bud.

    Happy birthday bud.
  20. Appricey

    Update Log - 03/07/2019

    I'm very impressed with this update Senior Administration. This has been something requested for a long time and I'm glad to see it finally being introduced. Adding this also opens up other opportunities for us now, so really thank you and keep up the great work.
  21. Appricey

    Issue with brakes on the car

    I remember it being easier than that though
  22. Appricey

    Issue with brakes on the car

    It doesn't have any affect even when your going 35 Also I started pressing my s button at the very start of the turn off and it was the same speed at the end of it
  23. Appricey

    Issue with brakes on the car

    Hello there, I am having an issue when driving vehicles that has only occurred when I came back yesterday. The issue is whenever I try to break my vehicle using the "s" button to slow down and eventually come to a stop it doesn't seem to work or if it does work it works very poorly cause it...
  24. Appricey

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    That's what you guys should be discussing internally and among the community, I cannot give you exact methods on how to do this as it's different for every community, but this should be a discussion you are having. "How can we promote quality roleplay and reduce gunplay?"
  25. Appricey

    Community Discussion - What do you want?

    What I'm about to mention is my personal experience of this server and played a huge role in my departure from this community, while I'm optimistic in whether the point I mention will actually be listened to I'll still put it here. I would like to see the senior administration team put thought...
  26. Appricey

    Update Log - 31/05/2019

    I'm clearly joking, I'm not stupid. I was taking the piss out of British weather.
  27. Appricey

    Update Log - 31/05/2019

    That's cause the place in which perp is set is probably located somewhere in the UK.
  28. Appricey

    I have returned to wish you happy birthday my fellow welsh man. Miss ya always!

    I have returned to wish you happy birthday my fellow welsh man. Miss ya always!
  29. Appricey

    Happy birthday big fella!!

    Happy birthday big fella!!