Search results

  1. Appricey

    Lt. Price, but thanks lad

    Lt. Price, but thanks lad
  2. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  3. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  4. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  5. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  6. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  7. Appricey

    Thanks lad

    Thanks lad
  8. Appricey

    Goodbye lads

    It's a massive shame to see you leave, you're a great guy to hang around with and working with you in the plpd has been fantastic. I hope that at one point you change your mind and come back. I'm sure that everyone will agree that you've been a pleasure to both work with and role play with. i...
  9. Appricey

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  10. Appricey

    TFU: I don't believe it's great.

    Thread locked at OP's request
  11. Appricey

    TFU: I don't believe it's great.

    Sorry, but this is complete rubbish now of course your entitled to your own opinion and no one should take that away from you, but I believe what you're saying is rubbish. TFU are there to balance the side citizens have a lot more then TFU such as bombs and heavy rifles while TFU are limited to...
  12. Appricey

    Paralake Labour Party

    PARALAKE LABOUR PARTY DESCRIPTION: The paralake labour party is made up of the ministers of paralake, including an elected prime minister, that has been elected by the citizens of paralake. The role of the Prime Minister is to convene the house of commons and discuss motions such as: tax rates...
  13. Appricey

    Paralake Labour Party Minister/Guard Applications

    Minister Application: (OOC) Name: (IC) Name: Why would you like to become a minister: What could you offer the house of commons: Anything else you would like to say: Guard Application: (OOC) Name: (IC) Name: Why would you like to become a guard: What skills do you have that are...
  14. Appricey


    Honestly, it's unfortunate to see you resign you're a great moderator that had some real potential. I must say it's been an absolute pleasure to work alongside you as a moderator and I hope that one day you rejoin the ranks of the staff team. I like @Youseff respect the fact that you're...
  15. Appricey


  16. Appricey

    Mage, Medulla, Fasool, Appricey & Lewis 088 -Long ass list.

    I appreciate this recommendation mate, its glad to see that my work as a moderator is appreciated.
  17. Appricey

    AR on eric97496

    It is currently in the process of being dealt with in-game.
  18. Appricey

    AR on Sarah Knight

    During the situation the user failed to take into consideration their own life and the consequences of her actions. As a result of the users actions she will receive a 5 day ban. (Allen I would also like to remind you that role play was taking place in that area and in future you should result...
  19. Appricey

    10-07-2017 Update Log

    Overall, this update has been great, there's been some problems, but what update doesn't have them. Generally its been fantastic despite the map not being that different it does feel like a completely new game. I would like to thank @Xquality @Fredy @StephenPuffs for the incredible work they...
  20. Appricey

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  21. Appricey

    MP5 Disappeared

    User is permanently banned from the community, therefore he cannot receive his items.
  22. Appricey


    Can you please provide a video/demo of the situation please. You have failed to provide evidence after being asked to do so, therefore I will be locking this thread. I suggest that in future you upload evidence before creating a refund request/action request and so on.
  23. Appricey

    SPAS 12 + Spas stock

    Can you please provide a video/demo of the situation.
  24. Appricey

    Happy birthday.

    Happy birthday.
  25. Appricey

    When we decide we need to close them.

    When we decide we need to close them.
  26. Appricey

    Cameron SV Model 19 Refund

    Please provide video evidence of the situation You have 24 hours
  27. Appricey

    Remington Short

    The result of this Refund Request will be determined by the result of the pending Action Request.
  28. Appricey

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday
  29. Appricey

    Happy birthday mate.

    Happy birthday mate.
  30. Appricey

    Happy birthday

    Happy birthday