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  1. Sagittarius

    BREAKING NEWS : Admins ran out of Paralake City?

    Ok, but weren't you triggered first? Also, I thought you were going to bed:
  2. Sagittarius

    BREAKING NEWS : Admins ran out of Paralake City?

    Dumb title: check! Dumb poll: check! American superiority complex: check! Player who's been part of the forums for 2 months thinking he knows better than admins: check! On a side note:
  3. Sagittarius

    Recommend me some songs

    I'm getting kind of bored of what I currently listening to, and I thought I'd try something new. I really like rock, heavy metal, electronic, jazz, blues and psychedelic music. Favourite bands/artists are Dizzy Mizz Lizzy, King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard, RHCP, Adhesive wombat and Queen.
  4. Sagittarius

    I hereby conclude from this rigorous intellectual exploration of the question "Does watching an...

    I hereby conclude from this rigorous intellectual exploration of the question "Does watching an episode of Rick and Morty cause you to lose your virginity?" to be answerable, and that answer is "YES! - If you are an intellectual, that is"
  5. Sagittarius

    Hell, he may even feel as if he understood it for its intellectual proposals. Perhaps he will...

    Hell, he may even feel as if he understood it for its intellectual proposals. Perhaps he will tell people at parties that he has lost his virginity via Rick and Morty, but the pleb will know, and the people will know, if not too polite to call him out, that he has not truly lost his virginity...
  6. Sagittarius

    I should note, that for a pleb, watching an episode of Rick and Morty will not have the same...

    I should note, that for a pleb, watching an episode of Rick and Morty will not have the same effect as he will not be able to truly understand it, and therefore his ego will not be shattered, as he will not even be able to comprehend the intellectualism the show presents in its true form. He may...
  7. Sagittarius

    Thus, if they were virgins prior to the viewing of said episode of Rick and Morty, the element...

    Thus, if they were virgins prior to the viewing of said episode of Rick and Morty, the element of their ego, their identity that tells them "yes, you identify as a virgin" is now destroyed. Thus, for an intellectual, watching an episode of Rick and Morty is the equivalent to losing said...
  8. Sagittarius

    Think about it, when you watch Rick and Morty, how does it make you feel? For an intellectual...

    Think about it, when you watch Rick and Morty, how does it make you feel? For an intellectual, Rick and Morty touches them in ways normal media does not. It shatters their ego as an intellectual into pieces, alas not destroying it in its entirety, only with the most honest intentions of allowing...
  9. Sagittarius

    Effective sex - "a life-changing experience, physical or mental, real or imagined, that causes...

    Effective sex - "a life-changing experience, physical or mental, real or imagined, that causes ones identity to change in the sense that they no longer feel that the term 'virgin' and all things associated with it can be used as an accurate descriptor of them anymore". Well, to the question "Can...
  10. Sagittarius

    So the initial question which was proposed was whether or not watching an episode of Rick and...

    So the initial question which was proposed was whether or not watching an episode of Rick and Morty can be considered the equivalent to losing your virginity in the time-tested way of rubbing ones genitals against another's genitals until ejaculation or alternatively orgasm has been achieved...
  11. Sagittarius

    Like an atom bomb, a good intellectual argument is unable to be countered, no matter how much...

    Like an atom bomb, a good intellectual argument is unable to be countered, no matter how much manpower or courage one possesses.
  12. Sagittarius

    Ahahahahaha, it is quite humorous to conjure up such an image in one's mind, although it would...

    Ahahahahaha, it is quite humorous to conjure up such an image in one's mind, although it would be quite tragic to witness it. Metaphorically, I believe that intellectual exploration is as influential as Einstein (a Jewish man, by the way, which absolutely has nothing to do with his name...
  13. Sagittarius

    Burning women and children alive in their homes while their husbands were overseas fighting. If...

    Burning women and children alive in their homes while their husbands were overseas fighting. If they had been with them at the time, however, they still would not have been able to defend against the bomb. Ba! Imagine, a Japanese army clanging their swords up against an atom bomb in a desperate...
  14. Sagittarius

    Let's get back to it, fellow intellectuals! As Albert Einstein once said, no time like the...

    Let's get back to it, fellow intellectuals! As Albert Einstein once said, no time like the present! Of course, Einstein's work (which many have said is merely a semantics-based interpretation of the work of other scientists who do not receive the name recognition he does) would later lead to the...
  15. Sagittarius

    Ah! Allow me to take a short, mental break after such a rigorous exploration of virginity. We...

    Ah! Allow me to take a short, mental break after such a rigorous exploration of virginity. We will finish our thoughts afterwards.
  16. Sagittarius

    If convincing imaginary sex is in effect the equivalent to physical sex, let us define the term...

    If convincing imaginary sex is in effect the equivalent to physical sex, let us define the term "effective sex". Effective sex - "a life-changing experience, physical or mental, real or imagined, that causes one's identity to change in the sense that they no longer feel that the term 'virgin'...
  17. Sagittarius

    Virgin - "a virgin is someone who has not experienced sex, whether that be physical or...

    Virgin - "a virgin is someone who has not experienced sex, whether that be physical or convincing imagined sex". Someone who has lost their virginity - "someone who has experienced sex, or has experienced convincing imaginary sex".
  18. Sagittarius

    If one's imagination is able to offer a convincing enough experience, then one has lost their...

    If one's imagination is able to offer a convincing enough experience, then one has lost their virginity outside of their imagination whilst only experiencing sex in their imagination. So let's restate our definition of virginity. Taking the no-touch requirement we explored before into...
  19. Sagittarius

    Thus, we use deductive reasoning to determine that, while one must rub one's genitals against...

    Thus, we use deductive reasoning to determine that, while one must rub one's genitals against another's to lose one's virginity, this is the equivalent to one not rubbing his genitals against another's; that is to say, therefore, that one does not have to touch genital's with another to lose...
  20. Sagittarius

    Let's take this a bit further, is a man whose dick only grazes the vagina's entrance before...

    Let's take this a bit further, is a man whose dick only grazes the vagina's entrance before cumming into it still a virgin? No, he is not, despite not even being able to feel the sexual contact. If that man's dick had not actually grazed the entrance to the vagina but only came infinitely close...
  21. Sagittarius

    There is one thing you may not have noticed about this definition, however, and that is the...

    There is one thing you may not have noticed about this definition, however, and that is the duration of time that you must rub your privates against another person's privates in order to lose your virginity. Is a man who sticks his dick into a woman still a virgin if he cums immediately? No...
  22. Sagittarius

    Notice that you do not actually have to ejaculate, or reach orgasm, to lose your virginity. In...

    Notice that you do not actually have to ejaculate, or reach orgasm, to lose your virginity. In order to lose your virginity you simply need to experience sex, which is the rubbing of genitals together, for some duration of time. Great, so we know what it means to be a virgin, and what it means...
  23. Sagittarius

    Does watching an episode of Rick and Morty make you lose your virginity?" To answer your...

    Does watching an episode of Rick and Morty make you lose your virginity?" To answer your question, first, let's discuss what is virginity. What IS virginity? Let's use the colloquial definition of virginity, that is "A virgin is someone who has not rubbed their private parts on someone else's...
  24. Sagittarius

    Client side modding

    Just throwing out my (probably outdated) request thread for car sounds.
  25. Sagittarius

    Very long story. Read it.

  26. Sagittarius

    Very long story. Read it. There are no dumb twists, no three fiddy, no dinosaurs, no nothing. It's just 50 minutes of joy, sadness and fun. I am literally crying. Just take some time out of your day and enjoy the Ballad of Ella Edit: I posted the wrong story. I now understand the dumb...
  27. Sagittarius

    Battlefield 4 Montage i never finished...

    This is a 5 and a half minute video with about the same level of editing, if not more, as your video. How the hell did you mess that timeline up so bad? Like, honestly how?
  28. Sagittarius

    PH Place (basically r/place)

    OWNMINCE HAS IMPLEMENTED MY FAVOURITE FEATURE YET! (remember this place?) I can now check each user's pixels. What does this mean for you guys? Well, I'll be able to stop griefers very effectively now, so I'll be opening up applications again. What are you waiting for? Go and place some pixels!
  29. Sagittarius

    Well, you just mentioned him

    Well, you just mentioned him
  30. Sagittarius

    You're all forgetting the clearly superior DBZA

    You're all forgetting the clearly superior DBZA