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  1. Carrot

    Rules/Laws update.

    Because Alex is lazy and can't even simply copy/paste I will do it for him. :| New Rules: 3.24 In and out of character - Don’t bring out of character situations in character, for example screaming "RDM" when being shot at. New Laws: 2.5 Fireworks The use of fireworks within the city...
  2. Carrot

    Ban Request: Ishio Kamikaze ( Steam name unknown )

    It would be much better if you could provide your demo of this incident. It would also be preferable if you could provide the tick at which this occurs (Makes it much easier to review the demo if we don't have to shift through it).
  3. Carrot

    New Job: Detective

    One problem I have with this suggestion is that they would be unarmed. Detectives have service weapons to protect themselves. It is the job of the detective to investigate the crime and follow up on leads and tips and as such get put in to danger. I also think your "Advanced DNA Scanner" idea...