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  1. Senlin


    My post was over 4 years ago, time for an update. I’m the one in the bottom left: A month ago: Two nights ago finding a way home at 3am (on the right):
  2. Senlin


    He told me after the video that he wasn't trying to shoot him or run away but who knows Impressive bruh I mean... I just wasn't demoted, don't know what else to say, feel free to ask the people who were senior staff at the time. I remember being in my room and deciding to make the resignation...
  3. Senlin


    I wasn't demoted and I never received a warning for any of my actions. I resigned and the reasons why are in this post, you're either thinking of someone else or just wrong. About the CS:GO tournament I was going to play with Loejseren and Pear but decided not to, I don't recall being banned...
  4. Senlin


    Times were simpler and it's probably very different now with the police roles and stuff. Fair enough lmao, I didn't care at the time but my parents pushed me.
  5. Senlin


    Times were different, that's how I remember him which is why I'm happy he is senior admin now. lol - I appreciate what you had to say though.
  6. Senlin


    Hey all, I don't know if anyone cares about this post and I don't know if anyone who played PERPHeads when I was around still plays but I still want to make this post. Before I start, I don't expect anyone's opinions on me to change and I'm not asking for any sympathy for some of the things I...
  7. Senlin

    Was looking through my old videos and found this video of rage and struggle

    We tried setting up a CS:GO server so we could play 5v5 but it didn't really go to plan.
  8. Senlin

    I'm gonna link it then remove it two hours later

    I'm gonna link it then remove it two hours later
  9. Senlin

    I was 13 when that was uploaded and I'm almost 17 now. It's a memory and it will always be up!

    I was 13 when that was uploaded and I'm almost 17 now. It's a memory and it will always be up!
  10. Senlin

    Doubt it

    Doubt it
  11. Senlin
  12. Senlin

    bit late but thanks

    bit late but thanks
  13. Senlin

    Senlin's Apology (not a ban appeal)

    Dear PERPHeads community, I can't get the name 'PERP' out of my head because some of my real life friends always play on this server. There's no getting away. Yesterday I joined the TeamSpeak to help with something and it made me think of all the good times I had there. I know this sounds...
  14. Senlin

    The Most Cringe-Worthy Videos You Can Find

    My 13 year-old squeal
  15. Senlin

    Unofficial CS:GO Tournament (Two Stage)

    Do all five members have to be part of the PH community?
  16. Senlin

    Biggest regrets!

    I saw this picture on Reddit and wondered if anyone has any regrets from irl or games. Can anyone relate to this? (For people who don't know this is a £200-ish sticker on a 3p/£0.03 gun) Remember, never go full retard...
  17. Senlin

    What you guys think about school??

    Although my school was placed as 3rd best in Gloucestershire, I have still learnt more life lessons from PERPHeads alone... Sometimes they could takes months to teach us pointless shit, I'd ask them "why do we need this in life?" My maths teacher once replied with "If you wanna be a builder!"...
  18. Senlin

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Yeah that's fifaskills who I was on about, haha
  19. Senlin

    CS:GO Knife

    Karambit's are easier to trade and the night looks pretty decent if it is in a good enough condition =)
  20. Senlin

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Thanks everyone for making me feel welcome :) Hope to see you all in-game!
  21. Senlin

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Missed you, I want to see you on ts tomorrow! Turns out I cant comment on my phone, sorry.
  22. Senlin

    The thread you didnt want to see - I'm back!

    Yep that's right, I'm back. Sorry. If you do know me, you'll probably know me as an annoying 12 year-old kid; I still wonder how I got enforcer after 12 tries... Well, I found out balls actually drop so that was interesting, never thought that would ever happen actually. We all thought that...
  23. Senlin

    Have fun :)

    Have fun :)
  24. Senlin

    You still exist? <3

    You still exist? <3
  25. Senlin


    My first post in like 1 year will go to my appreciation towards you, good luck in whatever you will do next. Maybe I will hear that voice one day? ;(
  26. Senlin

    BR On Poop Dan 2.2, 3.1, 3.6

    Was causing trouble before this, big +support He was disturbing my roleplay for like 5-10 minutes before managed to get rid of him, haha.
  27. Senlin

    So are you

    So are you
  28. Senlin

    When did you first join PERP-heads?

    In game name: Robin Sen Date first joined: Early September 2013 Time played on server: 2 months
  29. Senlin

    A little game!

    /desc the one inch wonder flops and makes a clapping noise on his legs.