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  1. Senlin

    How do you price your guns?

    Drop the cash register by left clicking on it then right clicking on the weapon you want to sell. A little menu will pop up and you can enter the item title and price. Make sure when you drop the item you want to sell you are relatively close to the cash register. What I use for gun prices...
  2. Senlin

    Stephen's dev log discussion

    Will car indicators be added in the next update or is that planned for a later date?
  3. Senlin

    If any of you like Police games

  4. Senlin

    Sup I'm Cyrus.

    Welcome back to PERPHeads Even though this is a late post, I want to welcome you back to PERPHeads. Have fun Cyrus!
  5. Senlin

    If any of you like Police games

    Beauty indeed ;), and I hope I didn't sound spoilt in my post... haha.
  6. Senlin

    If any of you like Police games

    I have already signed up! I'll give you a little story: for months I've wanted to become a police officer. When Swiper told me about this game, I saw the website, features and the fact it has cry engine! I told my mum about this (because she has been a strong encouragement towards me and...
  7. Senlin

    What new games do you want?

    I think he's proud to be part of the few French population on the server...
  8. Senlin

    Blackdown - LOA

    Just like me then! Loads of exams and grades need to go up, cya!
  9. Senlin


    Bye, good luck with your exams!
  10. Senlin

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    I love the enforcer colour!
  11. Senlin

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    Yeah that would be an issue, but for the others it would look pretty cool. Maybe a darker yellow (like THIS).
  12. Senlin

    (Website) Coloured usernames for specific ranks.

    This looks VERY nice. I would love this to be added, even though it's not something that would be very important, it looks good and would be a cool addition.
  13. Senlin

    habz4511 Intro

    Welcome! I can't wait to show you around, hope you have fun!
  14. Senlin

    Cheaper Higher End Vehicles.

    - Support I would hate to see people who joined about 2 days ago driving Lamborghini's etc. It would be too easy.
  15. Senlin

    Duhh Herro plays PERPHeads

    They can't join, I disbanded the org ;)
  16. Senlin

    Application Millionaires club

    Despite his playtime he is a very good player and would be a decent org member (my opinion).
  17. Senlin

    Application Millionaires club

    Application for Millionaires Club. ========================================= In-Game Name: Robin Sen Age: 13 (I feel I'm mature enough to join) SteamID: STEAM_0:1:58843053 Total Playtime: 4 weeks+ Do you have VIP?: Yes Firearms level: 39 (I will work on this in the future, I don't...
  18. Senlin


    Great news! I'll do it tomorrow morning when im not on my phone ;)
  19. Senlin


    I made a mistake of leaving this org a while back.. Anyway, nice post :)
  20. Senlin


    Great to hear!
  21. Senlin

    ♣The Saints♣ Organization.

    Shame. I'll be on tomorrow so I'll give him ONE more chance and see how he gets on.
  22. Senlin

    Everyone Read please

    Awww, damn. You were a great guy, we've had too many memories! I wish you the best for your future, hope we can stay in contact. Cya, mate!
  23. Senlin

    What Can I Improve And Fix?

    All I can say is prove you know the rules and prove to people that you would be a great enforcer.
  24. Senlin

    Le Fromage

    Welcome back to PERPHeads! I hope you enjoy your stay.
  25. Senlin

    Bus Drivers

    The Bus Driver job wouldn't suit Paralake City. (My opinion).
  26. Senlin

    What new games do you want?

    Good point actually...
  27. Senlin

    ♣The Saints♣ Organization.

    No problem, we won't become allies until further notice or any time soon. Can I please have a reason? I could add them to the enemy list if needed.
  28. Senlin

    What new games do you want?

    It's worth 14 pounds 99 pence, very good game.
  29. Senlin

    What new games do you want?

  30. Senlin

    ♣The Saints♣ Organization.

    If you leave the organization, please say in this post so I can update the thread.