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  1. Qawferz

    Literal freak.

    Literal freak.
  2. Qawferz

    My bazzar shop portfolio, These are some of my fave bazzar shop builds ranging from early 2022-07/11/24 Hope u like them :)

    Lovely now tell me where all ur prices came from for that Website of yours, and where half the ideas that are active on there came from.
  3. Qawferz

    My bazzar shop portfolio, These are some of my fave bazzar shop builds ranging from early 2022-07/11/24 Hope u like them :)

    When and IF i get back i actually wanna start making perp content, Like short movies and stuff.
  4. Qawferz

    My bazzar shop portfolio, These are some of my fave bazzar shop builds ranging from early 2022-07/11/24 Hope u like them :)

    ahaha cheers bro, not active for obvious reasons but cant wait to HOPEFULLY get back into this. <3
  5. Qawferz

    My bazzar shop portfolio, These are some of my fave bazzar shop builds ranging from early 2022-07/11/24 Hope u like them :)
  6. Qawferz

    fuck of locksmith mate ill be unbanned soon (hopefully)

    fuck of locksmith mate ill be unbanned soon (hopefully)
  7. Qawferz

    miss our crafting days in the back of buisness shops :( hopefully ill see u soon

    miss our crafting days in the back of buisness shops :( hopefully ill see u soon
  8. Qawferz

    mr oddy

    mr oddy
  9. Qawferz

    @Swifter were partners so we work together. Aldi take all the orders from the vault!

    @Swifter were partners so we work together. Aldi take all the orders from the vault!
  10. Qawferz

    i actually dislike u

    i actually dislike u
  11. Qawferz

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @peeps/dave How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Qawferz Your Roleplay Name: Nicholas Mobbers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308 Why were you...
  12. Qawferz

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @peeps/dave How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Qawferz Your Roleplay Name: Nicholas Mobbers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308 Why were you...
  13. Qawferz


  14. Qawferz


    i THINK I SHOULD BE UNBANNED AND ALLOWED BACK! FREE MR MOBBERS 100X 1000X 10000X I WAS THE KING OF BAZZAR AN EXCELLENT ALDI CEO AND CORE VAULTCORP MEMBER! dont forget perps best online store for all ur ingame item needs delievered in seconds!
  15. Qawferz

    Ban Apology (dave)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Dave How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: Qawferz Your Roleplay Name: Nicholas Mobbers Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:573809308 Why were you...
  16. Qawferz

    done it again

    still got the best setup for perp that perp has ever seen even tho im banned
  17. Qawferz

    done it again

    it will no longer be 500k in game it will now be 20 dollars paypal
  18. Qawferz

    done it again

    wasnt my doing i just supplied the goods
  19. Qawferz

    done it again
  20. Qawferz

    done it again

    Been banned for 2 years for mass rdm, See you when gta6 is out?
  21. Qawferz

    Server Suggestion Stims packs being less heavy.

    YES im sick of only being able to put 25 stims ina chest
  22. Qawferz


    thanks broski
  23. Qawferz


    appreciate u brother
  24. Qawferz


    Thanks bro
  25. Qawferz


    Just thought i'd come and share my Bazzar shop i built today i thought it was pretty cool so i hope you guys do too
  26. Qawferz

    BZ shop

    Posted in wrong place
  27. Qawferz

    BZ shop

    Thanks to super for spawning me in 2 wall panels
  28. Qawferz

    BZ shop

    Just thought i'd share this with you all as i thought it looked really good!
  29. Qawferz

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2023 - Results!

    Biggest load of bollocks ive seen all month