Search results

  1. Sharkster

    Cop main giveaway!
  2. Sharkster

    happy birthday

    happy birthday
  3. Sharkster


    #1 badman!!
  4. Sharkster

    Standby Applications

    accepted let me know whenever you are in game!
  5. Sharkster


  6. Sharkster


    Allies are full currently...
  7. Sharkster

    Standby Applications are here guys omg!!!
  8. Sharkster

    Standby Applications

    In-Character Name: Out-of-Character Name: Age: SteamID: Steam account link: Total Playtime: How active are you on the server?: When are you online?: VIP (Yes/No): Previous Organizations: Items you own (Pictures of storage): Money (Picture of bank account): Vehicles you own (Picture...
  9. Sharkster


    About us: alalalalala go crazy go stupid Owner: BaxterBlack/Nerve Smol Co Owner: Sharkster -_- Members: Solid Lengend Ep Juju nakos5 Allies: O'neil & Co MurdaBoyz Monkey's In Paradise OfficeGang
  10. Sharkster

    Happy Birthday oddy

    Happy Birthday oddy
  11. Sharkster

    stupid swedish birthday zzzzz

    stupid swedish birthday zzzzz
  12. Sharkster

    Perpheads Montage Best one

    3 montages 5 days gg good job
  13. Sharkster

    happy birthday mage very cool guy

    happy birthday mage very cool guy
  14. Sharkster

    SigmaTage 1 #Freefromsalamonkey #LegacyOnTop #LegacyCleanupCrew

    "guys I was in og legacy trust" spray and pray montages are kinda lame
  15. Sharkster

    O'Neil & CO

    :skull: whose gonna tell him...
  16. Sharkster


    very cool thorgal
  17. Sharkster

    sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool

    3up he did nothing wrong...
  18. Sharkster

    sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool

    sorry im a off brand budget from asia
  19. Sharkster

    R6 Montage vIDK

    I dont see headshots im not satisifeid this is getting a DISLIKE!
  20. Sharkster

    hi guys sharkster wants sig sauer sg550 skin plz!

    hi seke would you make me one for 100k
  21. Sharkster

    hi guys sharkster wants sig sauer sg550 skin plz!

    plz post if u have one ion got a good one
  22. Sharkster

    sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool

    very old I had to put in my goat Jerome Darky though
  23. Sharkster

    sharkster preview (I love satsum0_nox) < hes so cool 562 ms : Sharkster (montage not completed waiting for him to finish the rest)
  24. Sharkster

    @blackdown joey cappuaciono joey texas

    he bought me free premium hes drunk and cool 10/10 flanker @blackdown
  25. Sharkster


    I learnt alot
  26. Sharkster

    hey guys asian demon is back

    all hating my sweatshop let me free let me relax worked too hard for months...
  27. Sharkster

    hey guys asian demon is back

    hey guys im back from my break yippe many of you may be sad many of you may be happy who knows maybe I am washed
  28. Sharkster

    Tyson Cu- I mean Hunt

    Thanks goat I will make sure I always clutch up for the team
  29. Sharkster

    Tyson Cu- I mean Hunt

    A true king and goat gone too soon whose gonna clutch up the raids with me now , whose gonna be with me at 4am 1 tapping ppl on cop....