Search results

  1. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    As much as I appreciate the apology and the kind words, unfortunately, with the history of rule breaks for 3.4 you have, I cannot accept this appeal. You'll have to wait this one out, brother.
  2. Moonyx

    Refund Request (6tens)

    The player who ran you over for no valid reasoning during that bank robbery that they had no part in has been issued a ban. Contact an Administrator+ in game for the refund of the following items: AS50 (182039516) 1x Acog 1x AS50 Mag
  3. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    Cap, you are only sorry because you got caught. You went around and prop-pushed multiple vehicles ending up in destrorying them, giggling in your mic the entire time you were doing it, not giving a single crap about how you were affecting the other players.
  4. Moonyx

    Refund Request (Togo)

    Contact an Administrator+ in game for the refund of the following items: The player who minge grabbed the weapon during the shoot-out and got it confiscated later on that night was issued a warning for breaking rule 3.4
  5. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    You will have to wait this one out; you returned back to the place you died multiple times and then came back the final time to minge grab a weapon while the situation was still active and killed a police officer who was pursuing you to drop it.
  6. Moonyx

    Congrats brother

    Congrats brother
  7. Moonyx

    Refund Request ([BDC] Ava Black)

    The player has been issued a warning Contact an Administrator in game+ for the refund of $7320 for your vehicle bodywork damage being tiered 2.
  8. Moonyx

    How did you find Perpheads and when?

    I joined Perp because @sza told me about it I didn't want to join another gmod community but after giving it some thought, the server looked cool and here we are now the PD stuff seemed fun with sza so I decided to get more into it
  9. Moonyx

    Wilma heckling King.................. Happy Birthday brother

    Wilma heckling King.................. Happy Birthday brother
  10. Moonyx

    Refund Request (Sorle)

    Contact an Administrator+ in game for the refund of Brügger & Thomet MP9 /w attachments of 30x magazine, suppressor, stock, and reflex sight (185127622) Both players have been warned for the situation.
  11. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    Unfortunately, as much as I want to be kind and give you another chance by unbanning you, your record for 3.4 is awful. However, I do appreciate your apology and the respectful appeal.
  12. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (moon)

    The main reason you got banned was because you failed to comply when a gun was pointed at you. In situations like that, you’re expected to follow instructions instead of resisting/delaying GP. On top of that, you were also calling out information while being gunpointed which isn’t allowed. It’s...
  13. Moonyx

    Ban Dispute (Moon)

    The evidence was reviewed by me and multiple other staff members. I did, in fact, respond to your report and issued your ban two minutes later.
  14. Moonyx

    Congrats well deserved brother

    Congrats well deserved brother
  15. Moonyx

    W promotion

    W promotion
  16. Moonyx

    Refund Request (sait)

    Contact an Administrator+ in game for the refund of $34,400 for your Bugatti Veyron SS repair. The Roadcrew member has received a warning for swerving into the wrong side of the highway and crashing into you.
  17. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (moon)

    You have two bans from earlier this month for 3.15. It's hard to believe you didn't know it was a rule. You'll have to wait this one out.
  18. Moonyx


  19. Moonyx

    [ATTACH] hold dat

    hold dat
  20. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    After reviewing your demo and grabbing another staff member's second opinion, it's very obvious you knew that a shootout was happening outside, but you still decided to walk out and stare into the distance where the situation was unfolding, and you got shot because of it. You linked a 27-second...
  21. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moonyx)

  22. Moonyx

    What is your most succesful raid

    I don't raid much but this was a raid on Morons; me and @littleevi had to carry @Headline
  23. Moonyx

    Holy George Cole Happy Birthday, brother! [IMG]

    Holy George Cole Happy Birthday, brother!
  24. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah)

    Unfortunately, you have a history of breaking rule 3.4. I say wait this one out it's only 5 days I would say you are lucky it wasn't longer.
  25. Moonyx

    Refund Request (BIGJIMMY69)

    Contact an Administrator+ in-game for the refund of your 1x HK MP5K (184487712) clean with no attachments Both players have been banned.
  26. Moonyx

    Action Request (patrycjamika25)

    After reviewing the video evidence and the player's logs, I have concluded with both staff members (@Headline, @sza) that the player did indeed broke rules 3.4 and 3.18. The player initiated a hostage situation with no apparent benefit, as PD was unaware of any kidnapping occurring on their...
  27. Moonyx

    Refund Request (AnanasDragen)

    Contact an Administrator+ In game for the refund of $27,600 for the wreck of your Audi R8 Plus The other player who caused the collision was warned for rule 3.15.
  28. Moonyx

    Action Request (patrycjamika25)

    Under Review The player does not have a forum account I will attempt to contact them other ways.
  29. Moonyx


  30. Moonyx

    Refund Request (metvphor)

    Contact an Administrator+ In game for the refund of the items listed below Item ID (183603151) 1x HK MP5K 1x 9x19mm Magazine (MP5K) (Full) 1x HK MP5K Stock 1x 9x19mm Supressor 1x Reflex Sight