Search results

  1. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah)

    We take your actions and the inappropriate behavior of any players very seriously, especially considering that children play on the server. I suggest you wait out this ban it's only a week. Reviewed /w @3izu
  2. Moonyx

    Refund Request (6tens)

    Contact an Administrator+ in game for the refund of the following item(s) Reviewed /w @3izu
  3. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah)

    I would have considered an appeal from you if you didn't have such a terrible history of breaking 3.4 and other rules. Unfortunately, this is a ban you will have to wait out, and I advise you to follow the rules in the future. Reviewed /w @3izu
  4. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah)

    Last night, you told me that you killed the player because you 2 got into a verbal altercation, threatened each other, and when they started shooting those players. You said you thought you were going to get shot as well. However, in your ban appeal, you state that you thought someone was...
  5. Moonyx

    Happy Birthday

    Happy Birthday
  6. Moonyx

    Refund Request (qv)

    Contact an Administrator+ in-game For the refund of weapon (182810016) 1x g36c 1x g36c stock 1x g36c mag 1x reflex sight 1x rifle comp Reviewed /w @3izu
  7. Moonyx

    Refund Request (IKEA monkey)

    Please contact an Administrator+ in game For the refund of item [183555320] 1x M4A1 1x M4A1 stock 1x stanag 1x reflex sight 1x rifle comp Reviewed /w @3izu
  8. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah)

    I gave you a reasonable amount of time to leave the area and the front of your door to avoid being shot. I notified you multiple times via godstick, but you ignored them for a while. You just kept yelling at the officers to go inside your property and deal with the raiders. I say you wait this...
  9. Moonyx

    Who is your patrol buddy?

    This idiot @sza best duo
  10. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon<3Zarah, 3izu)

    This is one of those bans that I say you wait out. Reviewed /w @3izu
  11. Moonyx

    Refund Request (selrahc)

    Contact an administrator+ in game for the compensation of $16,000 for the tiered Dodge Viper GTS Reviewed /w @3izu
  12. Moonyx

    Ban Apology (Moon)

    Unfortunately, with the number of warnings you had prior to this ban, you should have learned to roleplay properly and follow the rules as a taxi driver. My apologies for mistakenly including rule 4.1 in your ban; I will remove it and instead add rules 3.15 and 4.8 for the reasonings. Reviewed...
  13. Moonyx

    Happy Birthday gamer!

    Happy Birthday gamer!
  14. Moonyx


  15. Moonyx

    I don't know who that is. I had my name Moon for a while before joining this community

    I don't know who that is. I had my name Moon for a while before joining this community
  16. Moonyx

    Ban Dispute (spoon)

    You are being denied because you had ample opportunity to witness the gun and gunpoint, but yet still you chose to run away and failed to comply. Reviewed by @3izu @sza and myself
  17. Moonyx

    Police Suggestion Wheel clamp timer for RTU

    I fully support this suggestion sometimes there's only 1 RC member dealing with so many calls that RTOs get stuck dealing with a pileup of vehicles in a RTC for a long period of time
  18. Moonyx

    ugly ass congrats [IMG]

    ugly ass congrats
  19. Moonyx


  20. Moonyx

    Skins if wanted :)

    Does the M4 have VMT files? or am I tripping I tried to put them in my folder but error skin :(
  21. Moonyx

    My first TFU vid!

    LMFAO I had to you was killing all the pistol cops! :mad:
  22. Moonyx

    My first TFU vid!

    Aw shucks guys this will tell him! he'll care about the -ratings on the internet with this post
  23. Moonyx

    My first TFU vid!

    We use M4 and mp5 of course
  24. Moonyx

    My first TFU vid!

    loooooooooooooooool max fine and time next raid
  25. Moonyx

    My first TFU vid!

    Carrying @sza in raids very short my first vid! :)
  26. Moonyx

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    We got it thank you for the skins!
  27. Moonyx

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    Wait I might be dumb 1 sec
  28. Moonyx

    [ RELEASE ] Havi's NYPD-PLPD Police Department Reskin Pack

    Am I doing something wrong? I put the files not zip in my addons