Search results

  1. micbib

    Map Suggestion Allow guns to be withdrawn at market stalls

    one of the reasons was that people would buy a marketstall so they would have easy acces to guns if they where to pd raid, without having to transport their guns from storage to pd with the risk of getting detected
  2. micbib

    So can you UAV for me now or?

    So can you UAV for me now or?
  3. micbib

    What is your New Year resolution for 2025?

    To get my reaction ban revoked
  4. micbib

    HAHA UR STILL ENFORCER NOOB its been over a month! NOOOOB

    HAHA UR STILL ENFORCER NOOB its been over a month! NOOOOB
  5. micbib

    Go watch!

    They Gave me a reaction ban so imma post images
  6. micbib

    Nice selfie bro, continue with the bulk!

    Nice selfie bro, continue with the bulk!
  7. micbib

    Tier 1 TFU Update Discussion

    Lets demote maia i would love that Crim update!
  8. micbib

    Ready or not edit

    This looks like its made in capcut for a tiktok edit
  9. micbib


  10. micbib

    Server Suggestion Extra Bullet in the chamber

    Cant wait to get tk'd by that 1+bullet
  11. micbib


  12. micbib

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

  13. micbib


  14. micbib

    what the fuck is ur new pfp

    what the fuck is ur new pfp
  15. micbib


  16. micbib

    Server Suggestion Automated City/Police Broadcast of Bank Robbery

    All thats gonna happend is all off duty tfu Get on and when the bank Robbery is over they all go off duty.
  17. micbib

    How much for a camel? i need one to fight the MPLA [ATTACH]

    How much for a camel? i need one to fight the MPLA
  18. micbib

    Du sku jo unbanne @Frod3

    Du sku jo unbanne @Frod3
  19. micbib

    Csgo Or valorant

  20. micbib


    What are these lies the good aim @Locksmith has is on his teammates (speaking from experience)
  21. micbib


  22. micbib

    Whats is a good rp server in gmod besides PERP

    V6 never gets released
  23. micbib


    Stop shitting on others cs rank when ur trying to compensate for ur silver elite rank
  24. micbib


    Dont blame it on the perp community
  25. micbib

    Things that piss you off about games

    When the game i play has alot of lag
  26. micbib

    Update Log 24/10/2024 - Halloween, Weapon changes, New Report Menu, Accessories and QoL

    Cant do terrorism without fuelcan explosions!