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  1. Double J

    Refund Request (1x ak-47 (comp + red dot), 5x ak-47 mags FULL, 1x 5.56x45 suppressor, 1x 7.62x39 suppressor, 3x mp5k mags FULL)

    User has informed myself that items have, magically, returned to their storage. No need for a refund anymore.
  2. Double J

    Ban Dispute (SamSN/ A1L)

    After reviewing this dispute with @Super_, we have concluded that the ban is fair. Killing the other player over snitching for a traffic offence, in this case, something which would have probably just resulted in a small fine, was not justifiable. You went from something which is a...
  3. Double J

    Ban Apology (Samuel)

    Make a serious appeal.
  4. Double J

    Overhaul to Physical Assault

    I feel as though it's fine as is, This would just make it much more confusing for officers, especially newer officers, to try and understand each law and what constitutes what.
  5. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    I understand your apology however I want you to wait some of this ban out. Feel free to make another one on the 20th of November. Reviewed with @Acerius
  6. Double J

    Ban Dispute (Quadruple J)

    Requested to be closed over discord.
  7. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    Firstly, I thank you for your apology but you have submitted it less than 24 hours after being banned... Everyone in that discord server had some sort of contribution to the metagaming, whether it be sending messages about IC information or Failing to report it. In Eldons case, He was issued...
  8. Double J

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2021 - Vote!

    Now how am I meant to vote @flugs for most toxic?!
  9. Double J

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2021 - Vote!

    So, I shall be hosting a campaign for people to vote for me. Don't worry about the M82s positioned around, they are just for protection!
  10. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    Unfortunately, the ban will have to remain in place. However, Your cooperation when informed that a ban would be issued was taken into account when I was issuing the ban on your record. Give it another week or so and then I will consider another one.
  11. Double J

    I believe it is!

    I believe it is!
  12. Double J

    I hearby award @CaughtRed with the Medal of Funniest Ironic Comment.

    I hearby award @CaughtRed with the Medal of Funniest Ironic Comment.
  13. Double J

    Police Suggestion Give Captains HK45 CT

    Captains don't really get any sort of in-game gear other than a small pay-rise. A firearm like the 45CT isn't a major disadvantage nor would it hurt considering there are only 4 captains who could it.
  14. Double J

    Ban Apology (Quadruple J)

    You can wait out the rest of your ban. Your actions were not only silly but also appear to be continuous with many of your bans being for 2.5/3.4.
  15. Double J

    Map Suggestion Make Paralake have snow

    It would be nice to have some sort of new Christmas theme rather than the usual Christmas Tree near city hall. Obviously having snow on the ground could hit FPS a lot, especially at high population so perhaps the snowing weather could come back but snow on the ground would need to be thought...
  16. Double J

    Ban Apology (Double J)

    I issued the ban on your record for our current sitting Enforcer @travis , I will get in contact with Travis and allow him to make the decision.
  17. Double J

    Blame @travis , He managed to make it a link.

    Blame @travis , He managed to make it a link.
  18. Double J

    Hey, I'm just placing a ban in place that @travis wanted me to do

    Hey, I'm just placing a ban in place that @travis wanted me to do
  19. Double J

    Lua Bug Report (Godstick inventory check no longer works on police)

    I noticed this occurred right after the Halloween update and especially the patient zero event. Could be to do with the inventory checking looking at how much ammo is in each magazine now?
  20. Double J

    All the Mods 6

    So, if this is still active, people can get Minecraft Java Edition and Bedrock Edition for (sort of) free as part of their Xbox game pass subscription. Discord Nitro is also giving away Xbox Gamepass Subscriptions if you wish to try gamepass out. **EDIT NOTE IMPORTANT** So, Curse forge is...
  21. Double J

    Rule 3.7 Addition

    Should probably be clarified as growing implies using a planter box and not also drying. Perhaps wording for this could be "As a non-new player, you may not produce drugs in a property owned by a new player."
  22. Double J

    Update Log 31/10/2021

    Looks great, Can't wait to try it out. No problem for helping to test the update along with @LilChicken , @Lucius Husky @SamSN @curak and many others who I can't remember. With the incident radios, How would cutting out global radio work to try and reduce talk over and mix-up, Would it be...
  23. Double J

    [SFM Render] Rain

    I managed to get it working but steadily went insane as nothing was working how I wanted it to :(
  24. Double J

    Refund Request (M16 loaded with a stock and comp (cant remember what sight was on it))

    Remind me to get it from @TvojTata6969's storage when they are next online. Alternatively, Find them in-game when they are next on and ask them to give it you, liking this Refund Request. @TvojTata6969 If you take the M16 out of storage and decide to lose it, despite this Refund Request being...
  25. Double J

    Ban Dispute (pug)

    After reviewing with @A1L Myself and @SamSN we have decided to deny this. We understand your family might have required you for whatever was going on however you still should have informed staff VIA an F6 report, This is something that would have taken a matter of about 30 seconds to 1 minute...
  26. Double J

    Action Request (Snajper Jovo)

    After reviewing with @A1L we have decided to accept this action request. You should have gotten into your vehicle and left the area as soon as possible not hang around and then pickup the gun. There were dead bodies around the area and 8 seconds prior to you picking up the gun there was a...
  27. Double J

    Ban Dispute (pug)

    Please provide evidence within 24 hours else this will be denied
  28. Double J

    Police Suggestion Revert the RTU Porsche

    90 is the same speed as Patrol vehicles. If you are nerfing the Porche then nerf the acceleration
  29. Double J

    Police Suggestion Revert the RTU Porsche

    I mean it is considering half the time we try stopping crims we end up getting shot in the face for anything.
  30. Double J

    Police Suggestion Revert the RTU Porsche

    I'd much rather have the handing increased as, at the moment, driving the porsche feels as though I'm driving a Tank on war thunder.