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    Server Suggestion Push power

    Then they would of committed a murder. Same in real life you push someone hard enough and they fall off something, hit there head on a curb or something else it still adds the potential of being killed.

    Bug Report (Psychedelic Foraging)

    This has always been the case since I joined perp. I thought it was like the chop shop and your able to repeat it.

    Csgo Or valorant

    The skill based match making is fucked. You go positive in one game the next game you get people the unemployed people playing the game 12 hrs a day

    Thank you

    Thank you

    Thank you Ashley

    Thank you Ashley

    Thank you

    Thank you

    Thank you!

    Thank you!

    Community Suggestion Autofill for ban appeals

    You should read your ban before disputing / apologising. This then will allow you to fill in this section but also show you are actually sorry ( apology) or its a proper dispute. All the info in regards to your ban is accessible at all times. Saying I don't know when you can access the reason...

    Thank you Ava

    Thank you Ava
  10. BIGJIMMY69

    Thank you

    Thank you
  11. BIGJIMMY69

    Thank you Daniel.

    Thank you Daniel.
  12. BIGJIMMY69

    Thank you

    Thank you
  13. BIGJIMMY69

    thank you

    thank you
  14. BIGJIMMY69

    thank you

    thank you
  15. BIGJIMMY69

    thank you

    thank you
  16. BIGJIMMY69

    thank you

    thank you
  17. BIGJIMMY69

    thank you

    thank you
  18. BIGJIMMY69


    Been a good time playin with you, See you around!
  19. BIGJIMMY69

    anyone who knows him knows not to trust him and his minge ways xd

    anyone who knows him knows not to trust him and his minge ways xd
  20. BIGJIMMY69

    Server Suggestion Buddy Permission's Change

    Out the back of bazaar 1-5. Think this would be a good idea. Gives the building a purpose but also allows for people to access storage without begging owners like you said.
  21. BIGJIMMY69

    Hello everybody

  22. BIGJIMMY69

    Server Suggestion A few ideas

    These ideas seem good. You can currently sell the property back to the bank. Don't think hunger should affect weapons in a way to stop firing but maybe speed of which you reload and aim down sights etc.
  23. BIGJIMMY69

    Paralake V6 Development Update

    Thank you all for all the hard work / effort that has been put in so far. It all looks good. Keep up the good work!
  24. BIGJIMMY69

    Server Suggestion Allow us to do the Ninja emote with a katana out

    This would be cool you play around with the sword or something.
  25. BIGJIMMY69

    Server Suggestion Heroin and Morphine Production

    Think this would be a good idea but you would just have to make it appeal to players so yeah ok better pay but the risks have to be more significant / more time costly which will then deter players.
  26. BIGJIMMY69

    I became an Uncle!

    Congrats flynn hes one lucky nephew @Chris Flynn
  27. BIGJIMMY69

    Action Request (bigmanrud)

    Your Steam Name: BIGJIMMY69 Your Roleplay Name: Wayne grant Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:569488705 Player's Steam Name: bigmanrud Player's Roleplay Name: Thereal Pdiddy Player's SteamID: Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:802919911 Why should this player be punished?: Just running up to people and Saying...
  28. BIGJIMMY69

    I have arrived

    Welcome to PARALAKE.
  29. BIGJIMMY69

    Happy birthday Ashley.

    Happy birthday Ashley.
  30. BIGJIMMY69

    not A Stechted Montage

    Good montage. That second shot in the second clip u lucky mf xd