Search results

  1. M1chael

    Favorite MMA fighter and favorite BOXER

    john jones and canelo
  2. M1chael


  3. M1chael

    ya this guy is my personal uav

    ya this guy is my personal uav
  4. M1chael

    face reveal

    face reveal
  5. M1chael

    PAPA 5 - PLPD's secret task-force

    next time on pd im taking papa 5 just so u dont have it
  6. M1chael

    Refund Request ((for) choklad tomte)

    Your Steam Name: (for) choklad tomte Your Roleplay Name: Ronald Coxk Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:597462558 Reason for Request: cheater minged it and stored Requested Items: 1x SCAR | 1x Reddot sight | 1x Stanag max (x30) (filled) | 1x SCAR stock | 1x compensator Evidence Type: Authorised by Staff...
  7. M1chael

    Crips LLC

    sure my name is ronald coxk in game
  8. M1chael

    Crips LLC

    crips LLC on top
  9. M1chael

    Model Suggestion DNA Gun changes

    never once heard of the dna gun getting mistaken for a revolver
  10. M1chael

    thanks man:laughcry:

    thanks man:laughcry:
  11. M1chael

    Police Suggestion Deployable Shotgun / Shotgun Qual

    Fighting against the shotgun cops rn is hard enough especially with the crosshairs we definitely dont want everyone with shotguns
  12. M1chael

    Should Jay Walking be punishable by death?

    i always kill the sweaters running through intersection
  13. M1chael

    Action Request (Deevegs)

    Your Steam Name: M1chael Your Roleplay Name: Douglas Casey Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634835439 Player's Steam Name: Deevegs Player's Roleplay Name: Dylan Pancho Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:70177524 Why should this player be punished?: Player thrown guns in a spot that i could not...
  14. M1chael

    Share your best Crosshairs here
  15. M1chael

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    couldnt even take a ss am i right @chopperr
  16. M1chael

    Rule Changes - 15/11/2024

    thank god im sick of hiding it
  17. M1chael

    Cheating for montage clips - is it worth it?

    @6tens is cheating ban him
  18. M1chael

    congrats mate

    congrats mate
  19. M1chael

    My Resignation From Staff

    Cya g have a good one, you will be missed
  20. M1chael


    Why did bro put free choklad tomte?
  21. M1chael


    when the tickets dropping?
  22. M1chael

    Bazaar Solutions

    make it a green zone
  23. M1chael

    Skins if wanted :)

    nice skins man
  24. M1chael

    Ban Dispute (efan)

  25. M1chael

    No diddy

    i put my heart in this
  26. M1chael

    dont have one bro

    dont have one bro
  27. M1chael

    Ban Dispute (efan)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Efan How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: michael Your Roleplay Name: Douglas Casey Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:634835439 Why...