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  1. phoondos

    Action Request (zNoah)

    zNoah will be warned for 3.15 - Vehicle Damage. Please try to be more careful when driving. @Chris_ , please make a Refund Request for the following: Tier 1 Wreck Repair Price: $27,600 Reviewed with @Efan
  2. phoondos

    Favorite brainrot

  3. phoondos

    GOAT Talk

    my name on PERP when I first joined was Wilson Wilson....
  4. phoondos

    GOAT Talk

    GOAT video-game?: Dark Souls III GOAT car?: Nissan Silvia S15 idk I pick something random that is JDM I don’t care GOAT clothing brand?: Nike I DONT KNOW GOAT show?: Mr. Robot and Utopia GOAT meme?: idk GOAT city?: BETHEL CT ONLY REAL ONES KNOW @Aquaa GOAT food?: Sfiha, from Brazil GOAT...
  5. phoondos

    Favourite year

    That stuff used to happen on SantosRP and I loved that kind of RP, having business deals happen with other organizations and stuff. Right now it only really happens through phone calls and not in person. The last time I had something like that happen in PERP was with Boris and his defense...
  6. phoondos

    Ban Dispute (flugs)

    Collier said this 4 years ago: For clarity's sake, the rule has also been edited today to make things clearer for future situations. The weapons you took and stored will need to be returned once the ban has expired, due to the acquisition of said weapons happening as a result of a rulebreak...
  7. phoondos

    Ban Dispute (Flugs)

    You abducted them and brought them upstairs against their will to force them to open the door. It does not matter if you gave them their gun back, you still forced them somewhere against their will to force entry onto their property. Also, Collier said this 4 years ago: For clarity's sake, the...
  8. phoondos

    Action Request (zNoah)

    @Robert toft Can you explain your actions?
  9. phoondos

    perptage 5 OK IT WORKS NOW
  10. phoondos

    perptage 5

  11. phoondos

    perptage 5

    Best movie ever
  12. phoondos

    perptage 5

  13. phoondos

    perptage 5 It's Here
  14. phoondos

    Friday Night

  15. phoondos

    Action Request (javiwar1995)

    @Javiwar3 Can you please explain your actions?
  16. phoondos

    Perptage 7

    Let’s FLIPPING go I’m in this…
  17. phoondos

    Map Suggestion Lakeview Condominiums

    Suggestion Title: Lakeview Condominiums Suggestion Description: A real estate "policy" that the mayor can enact that would begin construction of condominiums on the beach, providing passive income to the city and new properties for players. Instead of adding these properties on their own...
  18. phoondos

    dog's enforcer application

    Who is Norman.
  19. phoondos

    Server Suggestion add key bind

    Also it's too slow to cancel crafting, you have to spam the button so many times before anything happens
  20. phoondos

    All good things must come to an end... for now

    You should definitely get into Blender. SFM is getting older and older as the days go on, and people who are in the SFM community have been making asset packs to migrate SFM assets to Blender. Example
  21. phoondos

    Ban Dispute (bnjeman)

    The person who you mugged was banned for two months.
  22. phoondos

    Ban Apology (chase)

    Reviewed with @Chase
  23. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    Figured it out Use this guide if you want to have some minor noise cancellation
  24. phoondos

    Congrats :D

    Congrats :D
  25. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Preview chest contents when on sale

    I think it's fine because the people who want to make mystery boxes can and the people who don't can just enable the preview
  26. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Preview chest contents when on sale

    Suggestion Title: Preview chest contents when on sale Suggestion Description: This would give the user a preview of what's in a chest that is currently on sale. (as suggested by sejdo smokvica plin, possibly toggling the preview visibility would be great) Why should this be added?: - Chests are...