Search results

  1. phoondos

    Ban Apology (phoondos)

    Wait until at least half of your ban has passed before making another appeal.
  2. phoondos

    Warning Dispute (phoondos)

    Upon further review of the evidence, this warning will be removed as it's plausible for this to have happened as a result of a game stutter. Given your playtime, it's more than reasonable to assume this would not have occured had your game not stuttered. Regardless, please try be more careful...
  3. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Joinable Organisations

    This would be great, it reminds me of the covenant system from the Dark Souls franchise. Having orgs that have built-in perks regardless of org level that aid a player below a certain playtime would be great to have, especially now that all these quality of life updates are being added.
  4. phoondos

    Model Suggestion Laser Sight attachment

    I feel like laser sights should be implemented the way they are in RUST, where they only improve your accuracy by a set amount. Your implementation is nice, but it makes me feel that PERP PvP would just turn into CS because you don't have to aim anymore, unless it does the client-sided crosshair...
  5. phoondos

    Refund Request (Solid)

    Make an F6 in-game to receive the following items: Glock 18C x1 Glock 18C Magazine x1 Pistol Reflex Sight x1 Sawed-off Shotgun x1 Reviewed with @blackdown
  6. phoondos

    Community Spotlight - March 2024

    The Community Spotlight put spotlight community commnn
  7. phoondos

    Refund Request (CapalotBlickyy)

    Please make an F6 in-game and link this RR to receive the following items: $7,320 for Vehicle Tier 1 Repair $2,500 for Vehicle Engine Repair Reviewed with @A1L