Search results

  1. phoondos

    Refund Request (sejdo smokvica plin)

    Make an F6 in-game and link this RR to receive these items: 1x AK-74U 1x AK-74U Magazine 1x Rifle Compensator 1x Beretta M9 1x Beretta M9 Magazine Reviewed with @steelo
  2. phoondos

    TFU AS50'S

    you wouldve died regardless of whether the officer had an AS50 or not
  3. phoondos

    Map Suggestion Signs for highway and a subs gas station

    A gas station for Suburbs has already been suggested, and is in development. Here's the suggestion: You should edit your suggestion to be just about the highway signs so people don't get confused, otherwise, I...
  4. phoondos

    Update Logs Compilation

    Very useful website, will use this to try and get my friend back into PERP
  5. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    You can improve your mic quality using EqualizerAPO, but I don't know how to do it while also doing stuff for the speakers. I'd assume you make 2 configs, but that's more something for Google to answer because I don't know. I do know that you can get some nice noise cancellation that works with...
  6. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    I've heard of peace but I just opt to use the original source software rather than a wrapper. Thanks for the input, I'm sure more people would prefer peace than EAPO :D
  7. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Spawn Locations depending on a shootout

    This would be nice, but all of the possible spawn areas have ample cover and safe areas to retreat to. Unless the shootout is happening directly in the Bank or the City Hall, you should be safe to hide or run away.
  8. phoondos

    Map Suggestion Bring back McUwes ghost

    I wasn't here for this, but it would be nice to have some easter eggs on Paralake going forward. Would be funny to show new player friends the stuff you know about the map for fun
  9. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Add scrollbar to chat

    Good suggestion. I don't like having to sift through the console to find messages. "con_filter_text_out" exists, but I like keeping everything in console so I don't miss anything.
  10. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Trucker Job (courier milestone)

    cool idea but would likely introduce a lot more shootouts in a lot more places depending on what the truck has to do at any given time (depends on the routes set for bank money collection and drop-off). without seeing v6's layout theres no way of knowing whether this job would work or not in...
  11. phoondos

    V6 guns and weaponry

    Even then, this idea is kinda strange for PERPHeads imo and kinda brings in some of the bad that servers like Monolith have. I don't want to have to grind out a specific mission or type of activity just to get the ability to craft something, if the item is sparsely found/unlocked and not...
  12. phoondos

    V6 guns and weaponry

    this would be an okay idea if the economy was reset (which will never happen), so this could only be implemented with new weapons rather than pre-existing unless fredy is okay with deleting every single player's as50s
  13. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    if its 250 ohm just make sure you have a DAC that can handle it and you should be great, this works for any headphones
  14. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    Yes, iirc you can use noise cancellation plugins with EAPO. IEM is a fancy name for in-ear headphones.
  15. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    They're insanely good, the Truthear x Crinacle ZERO Red IEMs are literally $50 and have better quality than what I used to use, which was a SteelSeries Arctis Nova Pro Wired Headset ($240). Only issue is that you need a DAC, in my case I already had the DAC that came with my Arctis Pro, but I...
  16. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    I don't use 7.1 surround. You are still using 7.1 surround with spatial audio because that's what spatial audio does, even if the device is set to Stereo. HeSuVi is miles better than Sonar's fake 7.1 for various reasons (multiple options for hrtf filters, built in equalizer options, 5.1 or 7.1...
  17. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    Sonar is fine if you actually have a SteelSeries product, but otherwise you'd be better off using HeSuVi and one of their built-in filters for better fake 7.1 surround.
  18. phoondos

    PERPHeads Audio Guide (2024)

    For someone like me, who uses IEMs, the gunshots in PERPHeads are way too loud at the default volume (max), and the issue that stems from this is that I can't hear the quiet stuff if I turn my volume down to accomodate for the gunshots. This is where a compressor comes in. You can use any...
  19. phoondos

    Rule Suggestion (3.4 Putting your Life at Risk)

    its common sense dude
  20. phoondos

    Model Suggestion Apple Vision Pro at Jennifer’s.

    i actually want this though id model one tbh
  21. phoondos

    Model Suggestion Apple Vision Pro at Jennifer’s.

    This has already been done. Check my thread here:
  22. phoondos


  23. phoondos

    Model Suggestion Different signs

    Suggestion Title: Different signs Suggestion Description: Every sign on the server needs an image. Not everyone is a graphic designer. This suggestion adds two new signs that rely on the player's input so they can stop relying on images and rather type what they need when they need it instead of...
  24. phoondos

    Server Suggestion Glove Box

    Predictability is thrown out of the window in the new system when someone gets into a car. You don’t know if they have a gun or not. That gives any potential outsiders a disadvantage because they don’t know if the driver is armed or not, therefore they can’t act unless in specific circumstances...
  25. phoondos

    How do you get weapons in sandbox

    using the guns in sandbox as sweps is not possible but you might be able to get the models
  26. phoondos

    How do you get weapons in sandbox

  27. phoondos

    PERPHeads Performance Guide (2024)

    I edited the guide to provide more clarity. If you truly care about your general gaming performance, use the guide linked at the bottom. It’s insanely good.
  28. phoondos

    PERPHeads Performance Guide (2024)

    it's negligible at best but still gives some performance benefit, i just like squeezing as much performance as i can, and its good practice for other games, which is why i added the fact that this guide works for any game later
  29. phoondos

    PERPHeads Performance Guide (2024)

    I hate the UX and overall look of the software. This doesn't mean I think GeForce Experience is any better (matter of fact, I debloat my drivers using NVCleanstall), but their recent reboot of GeForce Experience already looks miles better than anything AMD has for their GPUs, in my opinion...