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  1. John Chapman

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: The Benevolent Billionaire Your Roleplay Name: Johnathan Chapman...
  2. John Chapman

    Ban Apology (Admin Meeting)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: @d How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: Permanent Your Steam Name: The Benevolent Billionaire Your Roleplay Name: Johnathan Chapman Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:70033927...
  3. John Chapman

    Map Suggestion Post Office

    Bro this is a great idea, I think this would add a lot to both courier and PD. Giving us more to do and expanding the player economy and possibilities. Imagine box bombs or bazaars transferring items to other places.
  4. John Chapman

    Map Suggestion Post Office

    This is a great idea! Honestly if you ask me Im surprised we didnt have a post office from the beginning. Allowing players to send each other stuff means a lot. Whether its just friendly trading or hostile treatment. Give them the package, they open it and BOOM!
  5. John Chapman

    Unlikely Suggestions

    Bro. Some of these ain't bad ideas. Why do you think it would be hard in practice?
  6. John Chapman


    Is this a new law or a change to a current law: It's a new law to be added in section 9: Violent Crime. and to update law 9.3 accordingly if added What law do you wish to change/add: Brandishing an offensive weapon Why should this change/addition be made: If you check the threat of...
  7. John Chapman

    Unlikely Suggestions

    I totally see it, though even if it's a serious RP server. I remember being told by higher staff(like head of admins or community managers) that generally its still a video game. We just take the situations seriously. Also imagine if it fucks up with coding and has physics problems or glitches...
  8. John Chapman

    Unlikely Suggestions

    The firefighter one. I keep thinking of ideas for them as I want to give them more reasons to be active. When it comes to the mayor stuff, I think one of the admins made a suggestion for policies giving more reason to hate the mayor other than just taxes which makes sense to me. And maybe for...
  9. John Chapman

    Unlikely Suggestions

    So I was looking at the denied and current suggestions made for the devs and owners to take a look at and I had a thought. What are some suggestions that sound fantastic as an idea but in practice would be annoying or wouldn't work. I'll start! Mine would be a detachable stretcher for EMS. The...
  10. John Chapman


    That doesn't sound easy to plan. Will you plan something after you get people to play all of these? Or do you already have one in place? Regardless ngl...I kind of want to know what this would look like :woot:
  11. John Chapman

    Server Suggestion Tourniquet

    I was just thinking actually. This item could also fit the firefighters well. Sure they can't resuscitate the suspect/victims but they can delay the amount of time for the bleed-out to save lives. It adds more useful things for them to do rather than stay at the fire station all day which helps...
  12. John Chapman

    Server Suggestion Tourniquet

    I honestly think it's an excellent idea to give a tiny health roll to PD but not take away the jobs of others. Maybe another negative might be taking away urgency. But, the EMS is usually stretched thin sometimes for response, so I think it would work perfectly for those regards.
  13. John Chapman

    about max tfu

    I'm not calling you idiots though. One thing to keep in mind is that TFU has to respond to different situations. We cannot stay at the same situation, which would likely help you move half the force away from you guys
  14. John Chapman

    about max tfu

    One way that they did it was by Organizing crimes happening around the city. I've seen it happen, raid some random bumfuck nowhere, and make a hostage situation while the other guys raid and steal. Forces our resources to be diverted. Have an escape vehicle ready and someone scouting ahead...
  15. John Chapman

    about max tfu

    Policy states in the TFU handbook that 3 light-gear TFUs can patrol. The rest cannot get gear on unless of course there is a heavy ongoing shootout that requires our assistance. Heavy gear slots count as well. One thing I don't feel is considered enough is the time window. Gearing up can take...
  16. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Allow tazers for normal officers

    My take on this: After seeing some people misuse the taser on Perpheads and the use of force even after getting it. I will say that those incidents were bad and showed ignorance of the policy but barely if any of them were mingey. Which I feel is a nice tradeoff. When I played other servers...
  17. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Secret service weapons permissions

    Funny enough I was thinking of mp5ks as what they get as weapons. Any smg that's concealable
  18. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Secret service weapons permissions

    Suggestion Title: Secret service weapons permissions Suggestion Description: We all know that the secret service do get specific weapons If they go towards the police station. To get a taser you have to be taser certified before that happens. It made me think of other whitelists we have and I...
  19. John Chapman

    Server Suggestion Tricycle No Longer Requires Fuel

    Bruh. Thats actually kinda hilarious. I didn't even know that the tricycle takes gasoline. Agreed it makes no sense
  20. John Chapman

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    Christ it fits. Just give them a white cap lmao. It would honestly be cool to diversify the looks of each division
  21. John Chapman

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    White gloves. To signify how stuck up they are. Fucking meter maids
  22. John Chapman

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    That's actually not a bad idea.
  23. John Chapman

    Model Suggestion Add combat gloves For officers

    I wouldn't mind if It's dependent on rank. Though is it a default option or optional? I'm worried that it will clog the Q wheel
  24. John Chapman

    Community Suggestion add new text channel

    Stupid question but. Don't we have social media on our phones in game that no one uses? Maybe we can make an in-game thing or fix it up. Give incentives for using it r rather than using discord. But just my idea good or bad up to you
  25. John Chapman


  26. John Chapman


    I want to recommend Valentine in general. Every interaction I've had with him whether on the server or off the server has been enjoyable and endearing. Considering Gmod and how a lot of the fanbase has an issue with abusing staff powers. The dude has gone above and beyond IMO. He recently helped...
  27. John Chapman

    Give Patrol some love: nice-to-have features

    Maybe but it doesn't have to apply to just patrol tho. This stuff is perfect for all divisions if need be. it's a nice quality of life upgrade
  28. John Chapman

    Give Patrol some love: nice-to-have features

    Man, the megaphone is a great idea for hostage negotiations. Those cones and tape would help significantly with a lot of things. I really hope this stuff is considered
  29. John Chapman

    Traffic or Patrol

    Clearly patrol is the best. I will take no other answers
  30. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Taxation ideas

    Maybe but where does the money go exactly? And IMO it should be an IC thing depending on how asshole-ish the mayor is. It would create more roleplay situations negative maybe but governments can be corrupt