Search results

  1. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Taxation ideas

    Suggestion Title: Taxation ideas Suggestion Description: Allow the government to get money from tickets into the city budget. 80% goes to the city while the rest goes to the officers Why should this be added?: - It adds more options to finance the city budget other than taxes -Allows more...
  2. John Chapman

    ASDA response!

    Good Riddance. Stay away from Perpheads
  3. John Chapman

    Server Suggestion Program the gun store clerk to shoot if shots are fired

    Suggestion Title: Program the gun store clerk to shoot if shots are fired Suggestion Description: Gun store NPC shoots at players that decide to be funny and shoot at his store Why should this be added?: - QOL. It would be a nice way to separate this NPC from the rest. The others just react...
  4. John Chapman

    how to get out of the friend zone

    It's painful but there's not much else you can do as it takes two to tango. It will take time but in the end, you'll be fine. I've been on this road myself and the best thing that heals is time. For now, I say just take it easy and try to move on. Prayin' for ya my dude! :)
  5. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    In your experience what have you noticed?
  6. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    Are u sure u didn't miss most of those shots? :oops:
  7. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    I get lasered a lot by rifles either way. Its hard to tell :(
  8. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    In my experience, It feels like it does nothing to reduce damage. I always get blasted in situations even without a headshot
  9. John Chapman

    Police Suggestion Increase the usefulness of armor

    Suggestion Title: Increase the usefulness of armor Suggestion Description: Just increase the durability of moderate armor and even heavy to some extent. Being able to take more hits before going down Why should this be added?: - I feel like we have no reason to have this armor. It barely...