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  1. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Scrabuz)

    - incident itself - 1st rooftop pull second rooftop pull i need to screenshare it. its on medal and its too big to upload
  2. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Scrabuz)

    there are 3 clips and 1 of them is too big for it. ill be able only to screenshare 1 due to the fact its on medal, in the meantime i will get on uploading the 2 other ones because they have been recorded with OBS via demo
  3. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Scrabuz)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Scrabuz How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: sasuke0115 Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479 Why...
  4. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Make automatic fire rate default

    honestly i dont see any use to this unless its in gun games. also negativities could be that people are already used to the weapon being auto equipped on semi. again, the only use i see is this being implemented in gun games
  5. hyushi123


    the "im dead im dead, nvm" part was funny asf ngl. other than that pretty good honestly
  6. hyushi123

    Amy Jordans 3rd Perpheads montage

    crying rn
  7. hyushi123

    Refund Request (sasuke0115)

    Your Steam Name: sasuke0115 Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479 Reason for Request: me and my org members lost our weapons due to a cop not announcing and we killed him. after that he had to kill cops due to us being 10 toes but that got us killed Requested...
  8. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    there seemed to be a total of 3 members, this being Alex Cooper (the buyer) Edward hustle the visibly armed guy and Priti who was lingering around dressed the exact same as Alex Cooper and on their phone. After that i was talking to my friend on my phone (via text) and he told me to go the...
  9. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    from "hold on nazeer i need to make smth rq" to "and fucking 1 rat gonna be hiding in the corner like pain did" are from before the raid. what nazeer was talking about is the next 2 messages and then the next ones are literally chit chatter until my friend brang crowbars. Petarde means fireworks
  10. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    i never baited you out i literally said "come out pussy" "no balls". its not a bait since you choose
  11. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    also nazeer forced me to withdraw the ammount stole that was 127.500
  12. hyushi123

    Ban Dispute (Nazeer)

    Punishment Type: Ban Punishment Subtype: Server Ban Appeal Type: Dispute[Evidence] Which staff member issued the punishment?: @Nazeer How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: sasuke0115 Your Roleplay Name: Amy Jordan Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:243856479 Why were you...
  13. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Jewellry Heist

    Suggestion Title: Jewellry Heist Suggestion Description: there is a slight posibility that this is already being worked on but i wanted to make a suggestion for it. as in right now the only actual “heist” or robbery or even 211 is a bank robbery. i remember this being implemented for wuite some...
  14. hyushi123

    Solo city travels

    Transilvania or Bucharest in romania. Best food youll ever eat. In transilvania there is more nature but in bucharest there are slightly more attractions. I personally reccomend Transilvania.
  15. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Ambulance trunk

    Suggestion Title: Ambulance trunk Suggestion Description: I suggest that every ambulance and maybe any EMS vehicle have at least a few medical supplies such as pain killers, stims etc. Why should this be added?: - its realistic - medics could sell/give players stims for and bandages for...
  16. hyushi123

    Amy Jordans 3rd Perpheads montage

    so it looks nicer. if the clips were raw they would have looked kinda lame :/. i think it just looks better with effects honestly
  17. hyushi123

    should i make a ban appeal at 7pm 5 hrs before i get unbanned

    also since its just a day ban i suggest just waitjng it out
  18. hyushi123

    should i make a ban appeal at 7pm 5 hrs before i get unbanned

    i really suggest not to. wait a bit more
  19. hyushi123

    Amy Jordans 3rd Perpheads montage

    Finally made my 3rd montage. 4th will come soon i need a few more clips and song suggestions. This time i actually tried making this one and actually edited it correspondingly. Hope you like it ♥
  20. hyushi123

    Is kane back?

    Is kane back?
  21. hyushi123

    Model Suggestion Crocs

    +1 dont see what negativities this would have other than wasting time so why not
  22. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion SMS Image Embed

    +1 Could be a really cool feauture and could really improve RP.
  23. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    just make it so you cant ziptie people on stationary chairs such as pd lobby ones or inside pd, city hall etc. but sofas or chairs placed by players in their base or anywhere, the time period to be in affect
  24. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    or just clip it and send it to a staff member because they are ignoring gp
  25. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    you bring a good point cripis but the forcing off the chair is a bit too OP in my opinion. i think its better just to make a ticket saying “force ziptie” or “force take him off a chair please”. and regarding the afk warranted players, you can handcuff them while on chairs and drag them off now...
  26. hyushi123

    Server Suggestion Damage players in seats

    i mean i personaly believe that staff members dont want 50 reports to flood with the message of “i got rdm!! i want my gun back!!!” whenever a sweater decides to hold left click with an ak 101. i understand the fact that oh, they might be breaking 3.4 but you might as well report them for that...
  27. hyushi123


  28. hyushi123

    Action Request (EmilErSej)

    i said "fucking zerg raiders" cuz like 3 of you all pushed me at the same time on a 18 pop. i wasnt toxic to you. i was saying generally zerg raiding is annoying and so are zerg raiders and you took it personal and said "womp womp" to annoy me