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  1. daniel

    Post Your Car Thread

    Stop playing perp for 10 hours a day then
  2. daniel

    Produced a drill track with my mate

    Thanks Mark -Mark
  3. daniel

    Produced a drill track with my mate

    Don't really listen to drill but this is a banger
  4. daniel

    Zonda sticking to walls

    do one for me x
  5. daniel

    Zonda sticking to walls

    Type of bug: Not sure Description of the bug: Zonda at speeds of around 80-90mph+ gets stuck to walls How to reproduce the bug: Drive zonda (not sure of others, possibly f50 and lambo murcielago as Synatec said) at speeds in excess of 80mph and drive next to a wall Time stamp(s): N/A...
  6. daniel

    Server Events - 23/05/2020

    I don't think @Code Monkey will be attending the gun game as the sun might be shining on his screen :rolleyes:
  7. daniel

    Free games on epic

    borderlands pog ark :yawn:
  8. daniel

    Anything good to watch on Netflix?

    I don't get caught
  9. daniel

    Anything good to watch on Netflix?

    Imo first 3 season are really good but after that it drags on a bit but still good
  10. daniel

    Ban dispute 1 week

    Is that why I didn't get banned?
  11. daniel

    Anything good to watch on Netflix?

    Narcos Ozark Sons of Anarchy Prison Break
  12. daniel

    Ban dispute 1 week

    The shootout began and I was next to Mooney who was shooting so I tried to get away from him as I didn't want him to think I was involved and didn't want to loiter around the shootout and risk breaking 3.4. as I tried to drive away Mooney shot at my car for no reason even though I wasn't driving...
  13. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney But you still shot my car, as you can see in the video and in the gyazo which I provided to enlighten you on your actions. @Sossa @Mooney I'm going to stop replying now and leave it up to the staff.
  14. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney So if anyone else in a blacksuit that wasn't apart of the org was there minding their own business and unarmed you would RDM them too? You should be careful who you kill for future reference
  15. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney Considering I wasn't involved in anything they were apart of, yes. How did you know I was apart of their org? I wasn't armed either? So what reason did you and your friends have to shoot my car?
  16. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney You can see the bullets hitting my car. And I was in the area of the shootout before it started, so like you say I should leave a shootout which I did as soon as possible but you thought it would be wise to shoot my car in in the process.
  17. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney At the start of the video you can see yourself on the left shooting my car as I drove away. Here is a close up of you shooting my car if you can't see it.
  18. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Mooney I was already there before the situation started, and I don't understand what you mean by my 'previous movements before you reached the repairman' as my tires were popped and I was getting over to him? Would be appreciated if you could explain what you mean. So I was already in the...
  19. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Informed by who? I respawned and was getting my tires fixed, I wasn't involved in anything there and got shot for no reason. I didn't lose anything but I don't really want to be on a server where I get RDMD, I'm sure you can understand going for staff :)
  20. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    At the start of the video you can see yourself standing next to your ford raptor, then proceed to start shooting at my car when I'm trying to drive away. 2.5.
  21. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    When I'm being killed for no reason trying to leave a shootout it's not complaining when it doesn't benefit you in any way but to negatively effect my game play. He gave his command and barely gave me any time to comply, stop trying to play it off like you were going to let me comply as you just...
  22. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    Considering Mooney already shot up my car I had no obligation to do anything, I stopped anyway but you gave me no chance to get out of the car; and killed me.
  23. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Sossa I didn't have to cooperate as Travis already shot at my car but I did but you still RDM me, you would know if you watched the clip and look at Mooney
  24. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Sossa I was already in the shootout trying to get out what do you expect me to stay inside and risk 3.4? You just insta shot up my car and gave me no chance lmao.
  25. daniel

    AR on Sossa and Mooney

    @Sossa Sure, doesn't justify you disabling my car and then giving me instructions and rdming me.