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  1. Coollittleman


    Remember to work hard at your job!
  2. Coollittleman

    PerpHeads Community Awards 2016 - Vote!

    @Hazza56 Biggest memer in entire community. Cunt <3
  3. Coollittleman

    Trapani Pasta Applications

    Your ingame name/Steam name: Tyreece McGefferson / Hey Tyrone, That's My Bike Your age: 15 Your playtime: 2 Weeks Your money: 1.7 Mill Cars owned: BMW, (Saving for bugatti) Driving skills (1-10): 10 Firarms level: 35 Combat experience (1-10): 6 Previous orgs: What is your favorite food: Chicken...
  4. Coollittleman

    aww i know you missed me! xoxoxoxo

    aww i know you missed me! xoxoxoxo
  5. Coollittleman

    Tyreece RR Request

    Your in-game name: Tyreece McGefferson Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79496756 What do you need refunded: Why do you want your item(s) refunded: Because i mugged this guy in a ally way, when he rufused to drop any of the items, i called samuals. Samuals spoke to...
  6. Coollittleman

    Que server

    queue server was aids but funny tbh
  7. Coollittleman

    Thomas Desimone - AR

    For people asking why the remote explosive was in public; I was waiting for someone to ask about the "bomb" which I said to other people about a "bomb" party. This person was interested it seemed as he was at my shop and bazaar for a while, so basically I placed it for him.
  8. Coollittleman

    Thomas Desimone - AR

    Your Steam/In-game Name: Tyreece McGefferson His/Her Steam/In-game Name: Thomas Desimone His/Her SteamID: STEAM_0:1:44627859 Why Should This Player Be Punished: First of all, this person has broken 3 rules in my opinion. First rule broken - 2.5 Basically this guy killed me due to me...
  9. Coollittleman

    Paris Attacks

    #Pray4Paris Keep Paris alive, don't let the terrorists take hold of you.
  10. Coollittleman

    Just got new one of 30 days premium

    Just got new one of 30 days premium
  11. Coollittleman

    Unlock my Lock

  12. Coollittleman

    Bonfire Night Event! What Happened? Read Here!

    I was the person who got a lot of people there. *cough* Mayor Tyreece Mcgefferson is the best for broadcasting city wide.
  13. Coollittleman

    Yeah, i do go school

    Yeah, i do go school
  14. Coollittleman


    Coollittleman STEAM_0:0:79496756 I want it because i love you and your the best out of the best :)
  15. Coollittleman

    AR Teemo

    +Support Whitenessed the whole situation and user was breaking rules; 3.6 6.3
  16. Coollittleman

    because they have selected some supervisors already, come in game

    because they have selected some supervisors already, come in game
  17. Coollittleman

    The Growing Power Applications [Closed]

    Steam Name/SteamID: [So you can be contacted on steam] STEAM_0:0:79496756 IC Name: Tyreece McGefferson IC Age: 15 Tell us about your IC persona?: I like to grow things in spare time, like alot a weapons and like killing people. Killing people makes blood go round my body with a fast reaction and...
  18. Coollittleman

    I think i messed up my Supervisor application because of the pressure for some reason :/

    I think i messed up my Supervisor application because of the pressure for some reason :/
  19. Coollittleman

    Happy birthday, MoronPipllyd.

    Happy birthday Moron. Its been 1 year today from this post? YEAAHHHH EDIT: Did not notice the post date.
  20. Coollittleman

    The Greatest Escape

    Poor officers; what did they ever do to you? :Kappa: *Sarcasm*
  21. Coollittleman

    How can I improve mg police roleplay?

    If you want to patrol with me sometimes. I would like to show you everything about what LEO's in paralake wants to offer for new officers; i also can show you around and you can get to know good people or bad people. Listen to comments above also, as i have saw you and you have a record.
  22. Coollittleman


    He is a great supervisor. Maybe put more effort in within explaining what you did with each other? :Kappa:
  23. Coollittleman

    Ebola in paralake?

    Well this shows how medics and police cure Ebola. RIP that Ebola victim that day as well as the other victim who ran away as he was very scared. :( Newspaper Artical: On the 28/10, a "supposed" Ebola victim came into the PD saying he felt ill and dizzy. The sergeants and SWAT all vacated into...
  24. Coollittleman

    Tyla Jai

    Whats the vote about? xD
  25. Coollittleman

    Police car

    After what everyone has said above my comment; No there are no more as what i am aware off.
  26. Coollittleman

    PERPheads Community Awards 2015

    I vote for.... Everyone who is nice person in the community!
  27. Coollittleman

    Realistic Robbing

    Just stop.
  28. Coollittleman

    Community radio.

    The thing is, it isnt best for players to make up there own radio channel but, someone or some amount of people can apply to be a radio presenter; they can talk live on radio play music and much more. Could even be called: Paralake Number 1! (Personally i would love to be one my self as iv...
  29. Coollittleman

    Testing Car Colors

    +1 This would be great as iv done this many times.