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  1. Coollittleman

    Late night banter

    Well RIP who died in the meth explosion. Kids don't do meth :D
  2. Coollittleman

    Oiii where my VIP badge

    Oiii where my VIP badge
  3. Coollittleman

    Crafting + Application

    In Character Information: IC Name: Tyreece McGefferson Favorite weapon: AK47 Current Vehicle(s): Mitsubishi Crafting Level (Not required to be high): 23 Previous Organizations: The Montreal family; Royal British Mafia OOC Information: Steam Name: coollittleman Playtime: 1 week Age: 15...
  4. Coollittleman

    nope :(

    nope :(
  5. Coollittleman

    aight ash meet me in game

    aight ash meet me in game
  6. Coollittleman

    why not walker?

    why not walker?
  7. Coollittleman

    Ash remember me? TYREEECE

    Ash remember me? TYREEECE
  8. Coollittleman

    Armenian Mafia applications

    OOC Information Steam name: coollittleman Age: 14 Country: United Kingdom Are you active enough?: Yes. I am on most days of the week, and week end's i am on most of the time. Sometimes i will not be as im out or have more important things to do. Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:79496756 IC Information...
  9. Coollittleman

    Implementation of the Sheriff Department

    + Support I would think all of this would be a great idea! New models i would love as well.
  10. Coollittleman

    Armenian Mafia applications

    New one
  11. Coollittleman


    Welcome to Perpheads! You will have a great time in in Role Play wise and is a great community! Enjoy your stay. P.S: There is also a comment feature and a rating feature on everybody's posts.
  12. Coollittleman

    Move the Car Spawner

    I feel this is a rather bad idea or thought. My reason will be stated below. The garage is where all your cars are kept in the Real World right? So you would not collect them at the City Hall. It's a two minute run to the garage, and saying that is less stressful seems a bit weird. How is it...
  13. Coollittleman

    refund request Jesse, Arron, Max and Victor

    I lost stuff in this too
  14. Coollittleman

    Meth lad

    2.1 At the PD. :P
  15. Coollittleman

    Not all sold for 75k

    Not all sold for 75k
  16. Coollittleman

    Sold a total of 16 VIP'S

    Sold a total of 16 VIP'S
  17. Coollittleman

    fak u feg m8

    fak u feg m8
  18. Coollittleman

    The moment when you do good in Life

    The moment when you do good in Life
  19. Coollittleman

    Whole Police Force in Hostage Situation

    Hey, this is my first Recommendation and i would like to thank the whole of the police force. The reason i am thanking them as there was a Hostage Situation in Regals 3. I will get more onto the story later down in this post. The people in this situation were @Ash @Panda and more. Sorry if i...
  20. Coollittleman

    Ash recommendation (LT) + Police squad

    Thank you very much!
  21. Coollittleman

    The Montreal Family

    Nice to see this organization is back and growing!
  22. Coollittleman

    The Belinsky Family

    Now time to find the Members, as The Montreal just got disbanded.
  23. Coollittleman

    Where in The UK do you live?

    Coventry, not to Birmingham. Type in Google; "Coventry WoodEnd" Not where I live though.
  24. Coollittleman

    Happy b'day Robin!

    Happy b'day Robin!
  25. Coollittleman

    Escalade Police Cars

    Have you got any sort of picture discrimination of a car? If you upload a picture with the thread, then I could. The police cars at the moment, are fine; We do need a Sergant car, but both sergants could or can patrol in one unit. Edit: You do not see multiple units driving in a Police SUV...
  26. Coollittleman

    Modification of rule 2.4

    Does seem like a good change, but are you saying for this rule to be changed, so no more donating OOC for VIP so you can get IC money? Edit: I found out this is dumb.
  27. Coollittleman

    Company of Hereos 2

    M9 I'm tot co2 fanfan
  28. Coollittleman

    I'm going to leave for a while [Taking a break]

    Not nice to see anyone go, but see ya! Have a nice time where ever you go, but I really dealt you will find a better Role Play server than this!
  29. Coollittleman

    Police Guidlines

    This guide looks and is very useful! I and others will more likely be happy about this. Thanks Chrissy for making RP situations better.
  30. Coollittleman

    Updating vehicles

    Will the SWAT van's turning be improved. Just seems like it is really bad.