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  1. lenndrik

    Action Request (lenn)

    Since you tryed ziptying me
  2. lenndrik

    Action Request (lenn)

    I followed gun point but you mugged me
  3. lenndrik

    Action Request (lenn)

    first of all i just now got a ban where i learned to stay in rp at all cost second of all you broke rp first by mugging me on streem i even got out of my car then i even tryed to help you when you broke the rules by telling you before i broke rp myself but you just went on then you killed i...
  4. lenndrik

    Action Request (lenn)

    i was scamming the living shit out of him and i got the clip but he is mugging me on the street do you want my prespective?
  5. lenndrik

    Action Request (lenn)

    he why dident i got informed faster that this was here demonz just informed me ......
  6. lenndrik

    Ban Apology (blackdown!!!)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: blackdown!!! How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 4 Days Your Steam Name: lenn Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 2.6, 3.4 -...
  7. lenndrik

    Action Request (i dident see there names i got the demo tho)

    Your Steam Name: lenn Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Player's Community Name: @i dident see there names i got the demo tho Player's Roleplay Name: somthing with wolf Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 i dont know how to get it so this is mine Why...
  8. lenndrik

    Action Request (no clue)

    how do you respond so fast did you not watch the clips? just curious
  9. lenndrik

    Action Request (no clue)

    Your Steam Name: lenn Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Player's Community Name: @no clue Player's Roleplay Name: shay shnider, the guy in the clip i mugged Player's SteamID: STEAM_0:0:42643617 i put in my own bc i dont know theres Why should this...
  10. lenndrik

    Website Bug Report (Bans)

    Type of Bug: Website Description of the Bug: Bans How to reproduce the Bug: Rolie26 canr acces his account Time Stamp: Yeasterday my unban time 14 october 21:13
  11. lenndrik

    Server Suggestion Shooting trough a car window

    Suggestion Title: Shooting trough a car window Suggestion Description: Being able to shoot/kill people inside a car trough the window maybe do a small amount of damage trough the door of the car and i mean from outside to inside to from inside to outside maybe make an upgrade for some cars to...
  12. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    can an admin come on teamspeak that knows about all of this me and my dad will join tougheter to sort things out
  13. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    Besides this ive been online on forum 8 hours a day or even more and you think im here to f#ck around on the server im here because i wanna rp this is just a situation with alot of situations linked at the same time
  14. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    Rip mate not what i expected / hoped i thought i could tell him things like what he had to say in his mic and tell him what to type i dident know this would count in ban evading too
  15. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    I talked about that with collier aswell if your intrested in that ask him but can i be unbanned ? I will prove myself and my dad i will not break any rules etc why would i ban evade when my ban expires in 14 hours just give us a chance you want regret it
  16. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    The 2 people are me and my dad
  17. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    It wasnt ban evading thats the problem We where discussing i talked to collier i explained it to him a few days ago on thursday can you please unban me because my dad has a day off work and collier promised me and rolie26 that we where getting unbanned yeasterday if you unban us you will see it...
  18. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (None but for now i guess i take creepis)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: None but for now i guess i take creepis How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Weeks Your Steam Name: Lenndrik/rolie26 Your Roleplay Name: Lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:528080518 -...
  19. lenndrik

    Ban Apology (creepis)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: creepis How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 2 Days Your Steam Name: beastkill6rnl Your Roleplay Name: lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: User as a...
  20. lenndrik

    Action Request (rolie26)

    it isnt my alt its my dad
  21. lenndrik

    Action Request (rolie26)

    I was scroling trough all threads this is already sorted i belive
  22. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    Hendrick read it please because last time you dident read it and you just said you cant get unbanned
  23. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Pug)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Dispute Which staff member issued the punishment?: Pug How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: Beastkill6rnl Your Roleplay Name: Lenndrik die Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 4.1 - User as...
  24. lenndrik

    Ban Apology (Pug)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Pug How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 1 Week Your Steam Name: Beastkill6rnl Your Roleplay Name: Lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 4.1 - User as...
  25. lenndrik

    Ban Apology (Creepis)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Creepis How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Lenndrik Your Roleplay Name: Lenndrik doe Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:426436177 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 4.1 Why...
  26. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Creepis)

    I dont have a demo bc i am not home im on my laptop and its just a false ban if you dident ban me but just talk over forum bc i said i had to go it would be way better
  27. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Creepis)

    Ps i shot extra because i panicked
  28. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Creepis)

    Can you please send me a clip of what happend before i shot him aswell please because this is unfair for other staff members if they dont see what happend before this and im trying my best to explain the best i can
  29. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Creepis)

    Well i think blacklisting would be the right thing to do for the second clip i cant provide you with a demo but because i shot 7 bullets into him while he was dead i think it would be more then in its place the first guy that killed me did even more then the second guy this guy just punch him
  30. lenndrik

    Ban Dispute (Creepis)

    Aswell for it being bullshit because i did my Job i just relized im at my dads house this weekend and guess when my ban would Be done u guessed it litterly yeaster guess when its done now fucking 3 hours before i go from my dads house to my moms house or somthing for a false fucking ban sorry...