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  1. Skarf

    Ok, I'm done. Kill me.

    Ok, I'm done. Kill me.
  2. Skarf

    If you're feeling down, get into an elevator.

    If you're feeling down, get into an elevator.
  3. Skarf

    It's way past his bed time.

    It's way past his bed time.
  4. Skarf

    I'm having a pun-derful time.

    I'm having a pun-derful time.
  5. Skarf

    Travelling? Alpaca my bags, try and find some sheep rent. The traffic might be ba-a-ad on the...

    Travelling? Alpaca my bags, try and find some sheep rent. The traffic might be ba-a-ad on the way there, though. Ewe don't like my puns? Lol
  6. Skarf


  7. Skarf

    I think I'm going to come out as PUN-sexual..

    I think I'm going to come out as PUN-sexual..
  8. Skarf

    I love puns, except for puns about insects. They really bug me.

    I love puns, except for puns about insects. They really bug me.
  9. Skarf

    Of course

    Of course
  10. Skarf

    Welp.. :')

    Welp.. :')
  11. Skarf


  12. Skarf

    What did the cookie say when his mate got hit by a car? Oh crumbs.

    What did the cookie say when his mate got hit by a car? Oh crumbs.
  13. Skarf

    If you're ever in a sticky situation, lying is always the way out.

    If you're ever in a sticky situation, lying is always the way out.
  14. Skarf

    Remember kids; If a strange man offers you sweets, there's probably more in his car.

    Remember kids; If a strange man offers you sweets, there's probably more in his car.
  15. Skarf

    Dilan you're such a liar.

    Dilan you're such a liar.
  16. Skarf

    You know you love me~

    You know you love me~
  17. Skarf

    You can all thank @DilanTheSkrub for these amazing puns because he brought me here.

    You can all thank @DilanTheSkrub for these amazing puns because he brought me here.
  18. Skarf

    Y'know I wasn't gonna get a brain transplant. Then I changed my mind.

    Y'know I wasn't gonna get a brain transplant. Then I changed my mind.
  19. Skarf

    These puns are cancer.

    These puns are cancer.
  20. Skarf

    How many more treatments does the cancer patient need? Tu-mor

    How many more treatments does the cancer patient need? Tu-mor
  21. Skarf

    Pepsi is soda-licious.

    Pepsi is soda-licious.
  22. Skarf

    This community is tea-rific.

    This community is tea-rific.
  23. Skarf

    Livin' la vida mocha.

    Livin' la vida mocha.
  24. Skarf

    I love you a latte.

    I love you a latte.
  25. Skarf

    Don't be afraid to espresso your feelings.

    Don't be afraid to espresso your feelings.
  26. Skarf

    Hi, welcome to chilli's.

    Hi, welcome to chilli's.