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  1. Dimitris Kowalski

    yes i got hacked and i retrieved my account

    yes i got hacked and i retrieved my account
  2. Dimitris Kowalski

    Not the RP you looking for Enjoy 3 dudes growing weed inside pd ! then we say ph is rp
  3. Dimitris Kowalski

    Thank you My friend

    Thank you My friend
  4. Dimitris Kowalski

    Thank you My friend

    Thank you My friend
  5. Dimitris Kowalski

    Hello Lads !

    Hello Lads !
  6. Dimitris Kowalski

    PERP moments!

    you missed 20+ shots on a guy with katana LMAOO you are the best [still laughing ] edit : PS i aint no better XDXDXD
  7. Dimitris Kowalski


    @flugs whats the budget you are putting ? for example i spent 750 euros on te pc and runs perfectly even the gta and many more games that were out of my radar
  8. Dimitris Kowalski

    Server Suggestion Gun Dissasembly Idea

    Suggestion Title: Gun Dissasmbly Idea Suggestion Description: Hello everyone, i Would like to suggest that how is the manufacturing of guns ( many times i crafted the wrong weapon ) so if this is the case while you holding a gun with like a screwdriver in your inventory to get the weapons mats...
  9. Dimitris Kowalski

    5.5 Robbing the bank

    the only problem here its that the cops will shoot you down as soon as you exit the bank and attempt to leave when having a gun
  10. Dimitris Kowalski

    Ban Apology (Benji)

    Punishment Type: Ban Appeal Type: Apology Which staff member issued the punishment?: Benji How long were you banned/blacklisted for?: 3 Days Your Steam Name: Dimitris Kowalski Your Roleplay Name: Dimitris Kowalski Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:72613207 Why were you banned/blacklisted?: 3.4...
  11. Dimitris Kowalski

    An opinion about me !

    Remember at subs with the music ?
  12. Dimitris Kowalski

    An opinion about me !

  13. Dimitris Kowalski

    An opinion about me !

    Hello everyone , I am dimitris kowalski many know me for maining police and some for doing bank raids and raiding with friends so now to my point : IF you know me and we spoken in game or played and did some police work write an opinion for me i wanna see what my friends and the strangers think...
  14. Dimitris Kowalski

    Thanks my boy lucius

    Thanks my boy lucius
  15. Dimitris Kowalski

    Thank you Hendricks!

    Thank you Hendricks!
  16. Dimitris Kowalski

    What Do You Think about me

    when i met you i was hating you ( i dont know the reason you killed me or smthng ) now its neutral towards positive since we work as cops together few times still using 10-0 so getting better xd
  17. Dimitris Kowalski

    damn lol

    damn lol
  18. Dimitris Kowalski

    YES XD

    YES XD
  19. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    Although steam contact me this morning and I got my account back I will be able to continue and playing :)
  20. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    I had it and like 2 days ago I switched phone and I didn't got the time to enable it back
  21. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    Not clicking shade links but I have something in mind but I don't know how to check the link
  22. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    @aarondavid45 every single card that I had online was going through out the PayPal so needs seperate codes etc etc
  23. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    @aarondavid45 I have many credit card purchasing that I used proof of ownership
  24. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    @aarondavid45 yea will do
  25. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    About that I am gonna discuss it when I am gonna find more evidence to make an accusation
  26. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    Wasn't double j
  27. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    No can't do a Russian hacker changed email so steam support will step on it
  28. Dimitris Kowalski

    Possibly a good bye

    Hello with this I wanna tell you a TEMPORARY goodbye as my account got hacked and I wanna tell you that my account got hacked and I want to tell you that Kowalski will be back I am NOT RESIGNING just a leave of absence
  29. Dimitris Kowalski

    hiiiii :)

    hiiiii :)
  30. Dimitris Kowalski

    Hello boys how's your evening ?

    Hello boys how's your evening ?