Search results

  1. WeAreMagonia

    Mohammad Family Applications

    more people joining... nice!
  2. WeAreMagonia

    Mohammad Family Applications

    It's nice to get new people in, i wont be alone now XD
  3. WeAreMagonia

    Mohammad Family Applications

    it would be nice to get more people invited to this org.
  4. WeAreMagonia

    Green Street Elite "GSE" Applications

    OOC Info:- Steam Name:- Ser Richard aka TheRoyalPet OOC Age:-19 Playtime:- 8 days and 12 hours Gender:- Male In-game Info:- Name: Jackson Smith Why would you like to join:-I have been in a few org but most of them are dead or have in active players now like Harpers or Wagwan or Mohammad...
  5. WeAreMagonia

    Xoknath The Royal Pet

  6. WeAreMagonia

    Gmod crashing when trying to join Perp

    when i am trying to join perp my gmod crashes for no reason, why does it do that, and what do i do, what do i need to do to fix it, i really want to play the server please help
  7. WeAreMagonia

    that picture XD

    that picture XD
  8. WeAreMagonia

    I will

    I will
  9. WeAreMagonia

    (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Why.....

    (-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩___-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩-̩̩̩) Why.....
  10. WeAreMagonia

    Bazaar Security

    a bazzar security or protection of it should be or can be left to dealt with by the police or it could be an actual job to choose from on the server, maybe for VIP or an normal job for non VIP players. I dont think the org should be responsible for what is happening in the bazzar just because...
  11. WeAreMagonia


    wagman jamaica!!!
  12. WeAreMagonia

    hahaha XD

    hahaha XD
  13. WeAreMagonia

    Bazaar Security

    lol i love this org. haha XD
  14. WeAreMagonia

    Bazaar Security

    this is an awesome org where do you apply
  15. WeAreMagonia

    Big Smoke

    He just wanted to get his food man... his 2 number 9's, a number 9 large, number 6 with extra dip, 2 number 45's one with cheese and a large soda... he only wanted his order because he was so hungry man... damm rest in peace big smoke hope that CJ will follow that damm train in a afterlife just...
  16. WeAreMagonia

    for a sec i though it was you that got banned and you the one that applied for a unban

    for a sec i though it was you that got banned and you the one that applied for a unban
  17. WeAreMagonia

    Do you think we are doomed?

    Do you think we are doomed?
  18. WeAreMagonia

    1 like = 1 knif for poor russian csgo player

    1 like = 1 knif for poor russian csgo player
  19. WeAreMagonia

    CSGO Giveaway

    quite a lot people joined your giveaway
  20. WeAreMagonia

    Mayor Assassination

    thats pretty good
  21. WeAreMagonia

    funny profile pic :)

    funny profile pic :)
  22. WeAreMagonia

    Post the flag of your County/Province/State

    Devon... its simple
  23. WeAreMagonia

    Good Admin!!!

    Good Admin!!!
  24. WeAreMagonia

    CATFISH!!! sorry...

    CATFISH!!! sorry...
  25. WeAreMagonia

    he is a good mod, very king guy! +rep

    he is a good mod, very king guy! +rep
  26. WeAreMagonia

    +rep very nice person very helpful!!!!

    +rep very nice person very helpful!!!!
  27. WeAreMagonia

    +rep good person

    +rep good person
  28. WeAreMagonia

    the gun is bigger than your character!!! gmod logic!!!!

    the gun is bigger than your character!!! gmod logic!!!!
  29. WeAreMagonia

    Lag spikes and lag in general. please help me

    u know what i know the issue now its not the computer problem nor the server maybe partly but its the router fault as it is so fucking old (about 6 years) my internet gone to shit as if i was living under the fucking rock!
  30. WeAreMagonia

    Lag spikes and lag in general. please help me

    the lag is still there and i think it got worse but thank you anyways. i hope someone will find a fix soon please...