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  1. Imperial Watch

    How does it feels like to have a IRL GF!!!

    dont talk about your mother that way
  2. Imperial Watch

    How does it feels like to have a IRL GF!!!

    wheres the cringe emoji
  3. Imperial Watch

    From Sorle

    atleast he cant post his lame twitch stream anymore that nobody wants to watch
  4. Imperial Watch

    Favourite Guns? (IRL)

    m60e6. funnest gun ive ever shot
  5. Imperial Watch

    PERPHeads Community Awards 2019

    @Imperial Watch best cop a shame they cheated him out of CoD
  6. Imperial Watch

    ah yes, why you should vote me biggest memer

    My vote is for jackier, because in a lot of ways, his very existence is a joke in and of itself . Kinda hard to beat that imo
  7. Imperial Watch

    Ayjay's PD Roadmap

    I never vote for ambiguous characters, especially because it means they no intention of actually going through with what they promise!
  8. Imperial Watch

    Ayjay's PD Roadmap

    what will you do to correct it?
  9. Imperial Watch

    Ayjay's PD Roadmap

    what is your opinion on #ImperialForCoD being left out of the election as a clear ploy to not let such refined man such as himself assume the role of Chief of Police, as he was obviously the people's choice of this election
  10. Imperial Watch

    Opinions on my Blog

  11. Imperial Watch

    Opinions on my Blog

    gotta love academia where you cant even look at something with a nuanced perspective without seeming like youre defending fascism. thank god its not like that where i go to uni
  12. Imperial Watch

    Opinions on my Blog

    I personally think a lot of the tendencies in politics you are trying to portray are more populist in nature than they are fascist. I don't know a whole lot about British politics but I think it's safe to assume a lot of brits aren't too keen on being ruled by an autocratic dictator. Sure, some...
  13. Imperial Watch

    Illusionist - How?

    Leave it to the mexican to find out how to best fit in small confined spaces unseen and emerge unnoticed.
  14. Imperial Watch

    Goodbye PerpHeads.

    Before you go, make sure to vote me for next CoD :) Thanks
  15. Imperial Watch


    INVOLVED I don't understand. If you had such a big problem with what happened, why didn't you just make it clear to everyone on scene instead of wasting 15+ minutes standing in place recording. Everyone else who was there had no problem with a little tomfoolery except for you it seems, I really...
  16. Imperial Watch

    CoD Election - Candidate Selection

    Name: Imperial Watch, IG; David Green Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:18180894 Why should you be selected as the new CoD?: I have a legitimate purpose in trying to improve the police department as I was one of the people who had a lot of influence as to what it has become today. What experience do you...
  17. Imperial Watch

    1500 WORDS

    "I'll just leave you on this one." Like you'd have anything smart to say to begin with :laughcry:
  18. Imperial Watch

    1500 WORDS

  19. Imperial Watch

    We need active staff

    understandable, have a great day
  20. Imperial Watch

    every minute that passes a perpfag dies in evo

    staff after seeing this video
  21. Imperial Watch

    MrAaron returning

    @Shaun wtf is SHAAAAUn
  22. Imperial Watch

    Police Suggestion revert the minimum hours back to 6 instead of 8

    tfw rogue is still corporal but i was one of first captains but still have no pd rank
  23. Imperial Watch

    shut up britbongistanian

    shut up britbongistanian
  24. Imperial Watch

    [IMG] "pepe isnt a real meme"

    "pepe isnt a real meme"
  25. Imperial Watch

    oy vey

    oy vey
  26. Imperial Watch

    GCSE/A-Level Results

    Youre literally a mod on PERP. I don't think you get to lecture others on what do with their lives lmao
  27. Imperial Watch

    I need help

    have you tried turning it off and on again
  28. Imperial Watch

    Remove all Americans From the Server Including me

    kick out the swedes too
  29. Imperial Watch

    16Personalities - Electric Boogaloo

    owned with facts reason and logic
  30. Imperial Watch

    youre one of my favorite gays too <3

    youre one of my favorite gays too <3