What is wrong with it. I have never seen someone at his age with so much confidence. I do not think people should laugh at it. People should love it instead of being a dick and laughing at someone that does what he likes. Grow up.
Just passed the exams to a kind of an Army Airforce school. Whats fun in it is the teachers are Officers in the IDF airforce and you have to actually salute them when they get into class. You wear an army uniform. When you turn 16 they take you to a shooting range weekly to train you. In this...
Ingame Name: John Valli
Steam Name:John Valli
Past Organisations: The Jewish Mafia, Omertas and many more.
Are you looking for a serious organisation? Yes I am.
IG Phone Number:6588714.
Involved. Shira is my org member I watched it at the side of this bazzar shop and made sure cops dont come. She told you to come inside so it wont be in public which is allowed but what you decided to do is stall RP and tell her she cant do it IC
Steam name :John Valli
Name:John Valli
Previous orgs:The Omertas and many more.
Car/s you own:BMW M6
Rifle Marksmanship:98
Are u able to take care of yourself without the org's help ? Yes, bahoor tov me beer sheva.