Search results

  1. John Valli

    3.25 Extension [Rules Suggestion]

    When I think about this it seems like an addition for rule 5.1. You are right. But 3.25 should be changed too.
  2. John Valli

    3.25 Extension [Rules Suggestion]

    +Support. I completely agree. Mugging someone while you are next to an officer isnt smart. Could get you in jail.
  3. John Valli

    Happy birthday!

    Happy birthday!
  4. John Valli


    I do not really know @Corolla but he is a great staff member. Responds to a report really fast but what is special in him is while he is responding to a report he is not doing it because he have too, he does it because he likes to do it. Yesterday I asked @Corolla to check if my base is alright...
  5. John Valli

    $1m perp cash giveaway

    Really kind of you man. Much appriciated.
  6. John Valli


    I do not even talk to him that much lol.
  7. John Valli


    We all love Trauk.
  8. John Valli


    @ayjay is one of the best staff members we have on the server. Always positive, responding to tickets and eager to help. For some reason, every time I create an f6 report ayjay or Brinch respond to it. I honestly did not talk ti ayjay that many times. But by judging him on how he behaves and...
  9. John Valli

    60 kills 9 deads. I call HAX.

    60 kills 9 deads. I call HAX.
  10. John Valli

    already mod? Wow

    already mod? Wow
  11. John Valli


  12. John Valli

    TinyCalc - A Complete Crafting Calculator.

    Good job man. Better than the olsen calculator. Easier to use and more informative. Edit: sorry for the bad spelling. Im writing this through my Ipad. Fixed now.
  13. John Valli

    First shit montage

    Whats your rifle marksmanship?
  14. John Valli

    Weed Whackers Applications

    Steam name: John Valli. Age: Soon 16. Time played on server: 13 days. IC Name: John Valli. Phone number: 658-8714 Have you been recommended this org by anyone? If so, who?: Nope, But I know Jack Richards. Transportation: None saving up for a Mclaren P1 or a Tesla. Cash: 1.5 Million...
  15. John Valli

    Nosey Neighbours Applications

    IG and OOC name: John Valli/John Valli. Play Time:13 days. Talents: 9/10 at shooting. 7/10 at driving. Why do you want to join the org?: I want to join this org because I am currently saving up fir the mclaren P1 or the noble and I need a good org to base with. Ivgeni Putinush, is one of my...
  16. John Valli

    Nasul | Adrian Shepperd

    A great Corporal.
  17. John Valli

    Leaving the community.

    You are saying you are leaving perp because its non serious anymore and you do not enjoy it. You said something diffrent at the morning.
  18. John Valli


    Damn I had to go right before you took the photo :(
  19. John Valli

    The Ewogs - Application

  20. John Valli

    Perpheads v5 new cars and legal jobs

    Nah man V4 was better. You cant powergrow in V5
  21. John Valli

    WAGWAN Applications

  22. John Valli

    Haha thats why I stole it man lmao

    Haha thats why I stole it man lmao
  23. John Valli

    Sadly it is ....

    Sadly it is ....
  24. John Valli

    Stole it from someone on Infinity gaming forums

    Stole it from someone on Infinity gaming forums
  25. John Valli


    Oh man that was great.
  26. John Valli

    Staff Resignation

    Such a great person and a staff member. Sad to see you resigning mate. Good luck with your IRL stuff.
  27. John Valli

    That's like 10 Million dollars. Thats nothing. Start power growing like your mentor teached you...

    That's like 10 Million dollars. Thats nothing. Start power growing like your mentor teached you lmao.
  28. John Valli


    You didnt tag your mentor :(
  29. John Valli


    Oh damn. I will just kms now.
  30. John Valli


    You just joined mandem. How could you be a part of 2 orgs.