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  1. Frank

    PERPheads Community Awards 2016: Category Suggestions

    Squeakiest 14 year old
  2. Frank


    Hi, So I just wish to ask everyone to give me feedback on my portfolio. If anyone is wondering what I was doing these last few months, no I was not attempting to shoot myself. I was designing and learning the basics of Photoshop CS6. Feedback is highly appreciated. Portfolio Thanks. For...
  3. Frank

    The Wood Family

    It looks like it will be an okay org. But I have one thing I want to ask. What is this? It's supposed to be "Allies" You're welcome. Good luck with the org.
  4. Frank

    Storage on duty

    I wish they make it so like if they have food or other props or essential stuff they will be the only ones to drag out from the storage so it would not be abused. Support
  5. Frank

    I do highly think they die.

    I do highly think they die.
  6. Frank

    PH:GO Summer 2016 - Starts 19th August, register a team ASAP!

    TEAM NAME Team Roar TEAM ANTHEM N/A TEAM EMBLEM TEAM MEMBER 1 Name - Frank Schib Steam Link (that they will play on) - Forum Profile - Highest Comp rank held in past month - MGE Link to all alternate accounts with...
  7. Frank

    Recent Events

    I come back to see this, Oh well rip. Ill just go back to my hole now.
  8. Frank

    MMM nice drift ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

    MMM nice drift ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  9. Frank

    RyantheRussianDog's video

    Lol I actually felt it. Fuck off.
  10. Frank

    Yes creepis! Congrats

    Yes creepis! Congrats
  11. Frank

    Inactivity explanation - See you I guess

    Hello People, So as you have seen, your squeaky guy that some people pick on ;) is not active anymore. Reason is: I started a youtube channel - check it out here if you want Been playing CS:GO a lot. All I have to say is that I might leave for a long period of time, but I do not know when...
  12. Frank

    kys dilan

    kys dilan
  13. Frank

    Defences Discussion (Staff and community don't communicate)

    Once a moderator stormed in my store and just broke every shit I had. He just threw shit left right and center and didn't talk to me only just said that it was invalid. Made me pretty mad and had to build again. They should communicate with players more.
  14. Frank

    Knife giveaway! - M9 Bayonet Marble Fade

    i love perp cause of the retarded physics
  15. Frank


  16. Frank I feel the pain, haven't had shoutbox in about 5 months myself.
  17. Frank

    k tyt

    k tyt
  18. Frank

    I like your laugh, makes me "goofed up" got em

    I like your laugh, makes me "goofed up" got em
  19. Frank


  20. Frank

    Happy Birthday!

    Happy Birthday!
  21. Frank


    I want it cuz im your friend and i like redlines
  22. Frank

    Giving my knifes away | SC:GO

    Me, never had one and was 10$ close to one but got scammed with the link scam back in the day Also cause I need some butt plugs for my bootayyyy #TheStruggle
  23. Frank

    I just don't understand...

    You're good.
  24. Frank

    Out of date

    Wait a while it'll get sorted out. The server is updated but it's not from your side.
  25. Frank


    If you add ermak then atleast add the worse of all. Me. :frank: @WildFire Btw the bad ratings statistics is not on the website anymore, so you don't need to make these :trande:
  26. Frank

    Envionic attempting to influence RP with /looc

    Interrupting RP = Affecting other players' roleplay Please do explain where any of that roleplay affected others making them annoyed? Not yours, you were just walking by and saw that and thought "Oh yeah, I can be a hero and get a lot of likes!!1 Yay i'm going to be an enforcer wooo!" Calm...
  27. Frank

    Envionic attempting to influence RP with /looc

    As @Chrissy, this is completely useless, causing more problems than needed and just stupid in general. IMO you're just showing off how you're "A great enforcer" which if you are doing this for @Envionic to get banned for a small thing you should just not write enforcer applications at all. It...
  28. Frank


    I do agree, and how it should be is If officers show up to a door to raid, the properties will be listed on the database or have to go to bank to check on NPCs.
  29. Frank

